Cycling Worlds: Mathieu van der Poel fined and allowed to return to Europe

by time news

The verdict is already known. A day after having abandoned after 30 kilometers the road race of the Worlds in the wake of a night spent partly at the police station, Mathieu van der Poel was condemned Monday by the Australian justice for having assaulted two teenage girls in his hotel of Brighton-Le-Sans overnight from Saturday to Sunday. The Dutch cyclist is fined 1,500 Australian dollars, or around 1,000 euros.

Raymond Poulidor’s grandson was due to appear on Tuesday, but his return to Europe scheduled for Monday evening forced the Sutherland court to review its agenda. According to The Australian, the rider had decided to plead guilty before Judge Hugh Donnelly. The magistrate felt that having a race to run the next day could not be considered a mitigating circumstance in this assault case.

Mathieu van der Poel attacked two teenage girls aged 13 and 14 whose noise prevented him from sleeping on the eve of setting off on the circuit around Wollongong, where the Belgian Remco Evenepoel was finally crowned. He pushed one young girl against a wall and the other towards the ground. The magistrate pointed out that the runner should have turned to the staff of the establishment rather than going to settle the case in this way.

“He felt like he had disappointed his country and his team”

“A lot of us would have done the same with performance pressure. And everyone makes mistakes, pleaded his lawyer Michael Bowe in remarks reported by the Dutch channel Nos. One of his teammates was in tears and he himself was very disappointed. He told me that he felt he had disappointed his country and his team. »

The pleading of his counsel was not enough to have him acquitted, but the Australian authorities returned his passport, confiscated the day before. Van der Poel, who did not wish to speak at the end of his trial, will therefore be able to return to Europe on board a plane which must leave Australian soil around 10 a.m. French time. His lawyer announced that he was going to appeal the court’s decision so that his client would be cleared.

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