Cyclo-cross: after pushing a rider who was bothering him in Gavere, Mathieu van der Poel calms things down

by time news

2023-12-27 23:43:17

The fact of racing had almost gone unnoticed. It ultimately takes on an astonishing scale. This Tuesday, during the World Cup stage in Gavere (Belgium), outrageously dominated by Mathieu van der Poel, the Dutchman had to push a competitor who was in the middle of the road. Surprise guest at this event, Costa Rican Felipe Nystrom was well behind and took advantage of the excitement to take a photo with spectators. However, he had not noticed that Mathieu van der Poel was arriving at full speed. To be able to continue on his trajectory, the world champion therefore pushed him aside with his arm.

At the end of the race, Felipe Nystrom spoke of his remorse. “I feel very bad,” he told Sporza. What happened was 1000% my fault. Mathieu had to push me: he should have done it even harder. I really blame myself. » Winner without problem, the Dutchman did not mention the incident as his domination was enormous.

But the Costa Rican was very worried about his opponent, criticized on social networks for his gesture considered violent. “Some say I’m stupid and I see others writing that Mathieu is bad. “It’s horrible that he’s going through a situation that I put him in myself,” he regretted. I hope to meet Mathieu soon to tell him how sorry I am. »

Overwhelmed by remorse, Felipe Nystrom even thinks about stopping his season. At 40, the cyclist is living his life’s dream in the plowed fields. Tormented and addicted to drugs and alcohol, he lived on the streets in Costa Rica and made several attempts to end his life. “I don’t really deserve to be here,” he insisted. I had a dream and I made it come true. But this error is too big for me to continue. I wanted to race until the World Championships (in the Czech Republic at the beginning of February), but I’m finally going back next week. »

Made aware of his competitor’s statements, Mathieu van der Poel wanted to calm things down. “It wasn’t even necessary for him to apologize. I was not angry with him, he assured. Felipe made an error of judgment and it can happen. Everybody makes mistakes. He certainly shouldn’t give up his dream for this. I hope he stays here and completes his planned program. » A speech which will undoubtedly please the main person concerned.

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