Daily horoscope for Wednesday, 1.3.23: Gemini – tendency to waste

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Aries (photo: no credit)

Aries (photo: no credit)

Aries 21.3-20.4

Sensitivity in relationships under the influence of home and family. Balanced days with the family communicatively and emotionally but there are tensions with external relationships.

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Taurus (photo: no credit)

Taurus (photo: no credit)

Taurus 21.4-20.5

Sensitive day with the immediate environment brothers, cousins ​​and/or neighbors, tendency to take everything subjectively. Communication is balanced but not everything can be said, a sense of blockage.

Gemini (photo: no credit)

Gemini (photo: no credit)

Gemini 21.5-20.6

A good day to manage finances again tendency to waste and exaggeration. Sensitivity also in friendly relationships, conflicts in relationships. Even marital relations are not relaxed and there are
Anger and hypersensitivity.

Cancer sign (photo: no credit)

Cancer sign (photo: no credit)

Cancer 21.6-22.7

Moon in your sign increases sensitivity. Career relationships are under tension and conflict and there is oversensitivity, try not to be subjective.

Leo (photo: no credit)

Leo (photo: no credit)

Leo 23.7-22.8

A day with very high sensitivity, strong intuitions, a need to gather inward, a good day to be with yourself and rarely look for answers outside, be attentive to yourself.

Virgo (photo: no credit)

Virgo (photo: no credit)

Virgo 23.8-22.9

High social sensitivity, your giving and caring is felt, there may be tensions in intimate relationships in which you are involved. Good day to the therapists among you.

Libra (photo: no credit)

Libra (photo: no credit)

Libra 23.9-23.10

Sensitive day in career. emotional impact also on marital relationships, tendency to tensions and conflicts, tendency to be emotionally involved in work and career,
Try to be objective and not take everything emotionally.

Scorpio (photo: no credit)

Scorpio (photo: no credit)

Scorpio 24.10-21.11

A day with hypersensitivity, a need to get together even though there are external interactions, dealing with emotions and emotional flooding, try to look at the situation objectively as well.

Sagittarius (photo: no credit)

Sagittarius (photo: no credit)

Sagittarius 22.11-21.12

Deep inner sensitivity, romantic relationships tend to be tense and dramatic, tendency to take everything emotionally, try to look at the situation objectively and in a mature way.

Capricorn (photo: no credit)

Capricorn (photo: no credit)

Capricorn 22.12-20.1

Sensitive relationships, marital and family relationships are in conflicts and tensions. You should maintain a balance and be less dramatic in your reactions.

Aquarius (photo: no credit)

Aquarius (photo: no credit)

Aquarius 21.1-18.2

Sensitivity in the work environment and relationships in the immediate environment, there is a tendency for dramas, try to maintain typical objectivity and do not take everything personally.

Pisces (photo: no credit)

Pisces (photo: no credit)

Fish 19.2-20.3

A day with romantic potential and creative emotional expression, a good day with children as well, a creative channel can help express the feelings that arise for you today, there is also a tendency for emotional dramas and exaggerations.

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