Dating: love, sex, or both – where to look for it?

by time news

VMany ways lead to love, not only via Tinder: In addition to the job, coupling activities are also ideal for finding a partner. And you can flirt on Facebook – or secretly cheat. Five types of dating, including opportunities for love, friendship, and sex.

Via Social Media: Secretly to hot

Can you flirt more casually and more secretly than on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter? Hardly likely. Officially, the platforms do not refer to themselves as dating apps, after all, everyone is there – including the (happy!) Lovers. But a comment or like is not a hurdle like a “first step” in the bar or on the dating app. Who perceives a friend request or a new follower as a “match”?

And yet it can be just that: a casual flirt under the guise of social media.


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