David Eriksen and Louise Angelica Riise are moving in together

by time news

It was last summer that romance rumors began to abound around Louise Angelica Riise (33) and celebrity manager David Eriksen (56).

At the start, they apparently tried to keep their relationship hidden, including by coming separately to various events.

On the former’s birthday, Eriksen shared a tribute. In the comments section, Riise confirmed the rumors by writing “Thank you very much, my girlfriend”.

– Worries me

In October, Riise said that the plan was to move in together in the long term, without going into detail about when that would happen. She said that in the podcast “Robbery with Tone”.

Now, however, it may appear that the two turtle doves are starting the process.

At the weekend, Riise shared a number of posts on Instagram, which hint that she is about to move in with Eriksen.

“New home in the making”, or “New home in progress”, she writes under the photo carousel, where one of the photos is of Eriksen and her son.

In the comments section, she is somewhat cryptic in her answers.

CRYPTIC: If anything, at least she doesn’t deny the cohabitation on Instagram. Photo: Screenshot Instagram Show more

“Is this at David’s?”, asks influencer Sebastian Solberg.

Riise replies with two silly emojis and writes:

“Given free rein in the small living room, so then it will be my little creepin’ in familiar style”.

MOVING HELP: Louise Angelica Riise posted several photos of movers who helped carry furniture. Photo: Screenshot Instagram Show more MOVING HELP: Louise Angelica Riise posted several photos of movers who helped carry furniture. Photo: Screenshot Instagram Show more

Another user left a comment about how cozy she thinks it is with a new home and a new partner. Riise responded to that comment with two heart emojis.

Dagbladet has tried to contact Louise Angelica Riise and David Eriksen for a comment on the case, so far without success.

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