David Weiss: “We reduce transport emissions by more than 90%”

by time news

2023-09-17 07:00:00

-What is the environmental impact of most current washing machine detergents?

Most commercial detergents have a significant environmental impact due to several factors. First, its chemical composition contains polluting ingredients, such as phosphates, which can damage the water and its aquatic life. Powdered detergents are particularly harmful in this regard. Second, most commercial detergents are in liquid form, 90% of which is water, and therefore make unnecessary use of this increasingly scarce resource. Containing a large amount of water, the transport in both volume and weight is very high, and involves an unnecessary expenditure of energy for transport compared to the strip format, which reduces emissions by more than 90% CO2 in transport.

-And in addition, detergent containers are generally made of plastic…

– Of course, with which they generate a large amount of waste that can end up in landfills or in the environment, causing pollution and damage to fauna and flora. In addition, approximately only 20% of plastic is recycled, the rest is thrown into seas and landfills.

-In this context, what are the advantages of Natulim?

-Natulim strips leave clothes clean and smelling good, without generating waste. They clean without using toxic ingredients or plastic, they are ‘cruelty free’. In addition, thanks to its natural ingredients, the detergent is suitable for sensitive skin, such as that of babies, and does not need softener, the clothes look just as good. It is valid for colored and white clothes, both with hot and cold water. Not to mention that it takes up very little space and, moreover, you receive it in your mailbox at home, without having to wait to receive it.

-What is its composition?

-The ingredients that make up Natulim are of vegetable origin, being respectful of the skin and the environment. They are polyvinyl alcohol, glycerol, betaine, sodium bicarbonate, sodium citrate, sodium dodecyl sulfate, alpha olefin sulfonate, alcohol ethoxysulfate, kaolinite, starch and perfume with essential oils, as for the fragrance strips. The natural has no perfume and is hypoallergenic.

-As with most ecological and sustainable products, is the price of Natulim higher than that of traditional detergents?

– In a way yes, but everything has justification. Our priority is to have quality ingredients that offer good cleaning and are environmentally friendly. It should be noted that the price includes shipping, VAT and, above all, no softener needs to be added. White brands produce on a large scale (which we still can’t do) and don’t really use premium components. In addition, we offer the possibility of obtaining the product for a lower price through the subscription, being able to choose the time of shipment, that is, monthly, bimonthly or quarterly, without any kind of permanence.

– Where are you present?

-We started at national level, but little by little we have been expanding. Today we are in other countries such as France, Portugal, Italy and Poland. However, we ship to other countries for just 0.99 euros, and shipping is free to the countries previously mentioned.

-You started your activity in China but, subsequently, you transferred production to Barcelona. Because?

-It’s really something we had in mind from the beginning, but initially we didn’t have the capital to set up our own factory. Also, there were only four factories in the world capable of producing our design and adapting our formula. None of them were in Europe. However, one of our main goals has always been and will be to offer an environmentally friendly product and reduce our carbon footprint. Because of this, and thanks to the support of our entire community and the great acceptance that Natulim has had, we have been able to finally create our own factory. It has been more than a year of development and R&D, but we are already producing near Barcelona.

#David #Weiss #reduce #transport #emissions

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