Deadly stampede in Seoul during Halloween celebration

by time news



France 2

Article written by

E. Pelletier, M. Collet, N. Lemarignier, A. Miguet, L. Michel

France 2

France Televisions

In Seoul in South Korea, the evening of Saturday, October 29, which promised to be festive, turned tragic. At least 59 dead are to be deplored following a deadly stampede.

Dozens of dead under blankets, lying on the sidewalk, in the streets of Seoul (South Korea). Backyards have been turned into open-air hospitals. On the pavement, the emergency services and passers-by practice cardiac massages. And as the drama unfolds, the party music still blares. Thousands of young people gathered on Saturday, October 29, for the Halloween party.

In some images, we can see them, pressed against each other in a small street. A crowd movement followed. Witnesses describe a chaotic situation. “It’s amazing, I’ve never seen that in my life. It’s extremely dangerous”, said one of them. In an emergency, the emergency services set up their command post in the street, and requisitioned the hotels in the area. It is currently 3 a.m. in Seoul. Le Figaro journalist Sébastien Falleti, contacted by France Télévisions, underlines that he still reigns “a lot of confusion” in the South Korean capital.

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