Death to 2020: the mockumentary that the creator of Black Mirror is preparing for Netflix – 2024-05-11 08:16:18

by times news cr

2024-05-11 08:16:18

Text: Viviana Díaz

For most of us, 2020 has been like a movie, a thriller with its dose of catastrophism, drama and terror. Of this peculiarity of the year that is almost over, Charlie Brooker, the creator of the Black Mirror series, plans to take advantage of it to create a mockumentary with the Netflix platform.

The material will be a mockumentaryas the Anglo-Saxons would say to designate the mixture of fiction and reality with a touch of comedy.

The popular actor Hugh Grant was the one who announced the news in interviews with some media, in which he announced that he will play the role of a somewhat pedantic historian who exposes his views on 2020.

“Charlie Brooker has written a mockumentary about 2020. It’s for Netflix, and I’m a historian who is being interviewed about the year. I’m quite repulsive, in fact! “And you will like my wig.” express.

Brooker had refused to continue writing episodes of Black Mirror for the moment, believing that the sarcastic and somewhat pessimistic vision of the series was not what the public needed in a year like this.

However, he dedicated himself to writing this material of which, recently and thanks to a tweet, he revealed its title: Death to 2020.

Its release date on the well-known streaming platform is still unknown, but what is certain is that many of us are already waiting for it.

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