Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin Hospitalized with Prostate Cancer Complications: Transparency Concerns Arise – CNN Reports

by time news

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin is being treated for prostate cancer and suffered complications that led to him being taken to hospital on New Year’s Day, where he is still being treated, according to a statement from Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.

The statement revealed that the cancer was discovered in early December, and Austin underwent a “minimally invasive surgical procedure” on December 22 called a prostatectomy to treat the cancer. He recovered uneventfully from the surgery and returned home the next morning, with an excellent prognosis. However, on January 1, he was readmitted to the hospital due to complications, including a urinary tract infection.

The Pentagon had been facing intense questions after it was revealed that Austin had been hospitalized for days without notifying the public. It was subsequently reported that President Joe Biden and senior national security officials were not aware of the defense secretary’s hospitalization until three days after he was admitted.

The Pentagon revealed that Austin had kept the reason for his hospitalization – the cancer diagnosis and the complications arising from his treatment – secret, not just from senior figures at the Pentagon, but from Biden himself. The National Security Council spokesman stated that Biden only learned of Austin’s diagnosis on Tuesday morning, hours before it was disclosed publicly.

Despite the obfuscation of his diagnosis to the president, Biden has “complete confidence” in his defense secretary and plans to keep him in his position while also acknowledging that the situation was not ideal.

As for the reasoning behind not disclosing the diagnosis to the president, it was stated as “deeply personal” by Pentagon spokesperson Ryder. During the eight days of his hospitalization for the infection, Austin was never under general anesthesia and remained engaged in his duties despite the complications.

The situation has raised questions about transparency and communication within the administration, and the Pentagon has emphasized the importance of earning and deserving the trust of the American public.

The story has been updated with additional developments, and CNN’s Kevin Liptak contributed to this report.

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