“Der Pass” and a new podcast episode “Nachtfresser”: About discomfort with cross-border commuters | free press

by time news

2023-06-07 20:58:00

The third season of Sky’s successful series produces images that make the temperature plummet. A feel-good climate for real naysayers.


Through the darkness with Julia Jentsch and Nicholas Ofczarek. In the thriller series “Der Pass”, which was awarded the Grimme Prize in 2020, the exceptional actors play with a resting pulse of deeply frozen souls. An unlikely duo on the rocks. Now the final third season is running on the pay channel Sky, at some point probably again on ZDF.

Investigator Ellie Stocker from Berchtesgaden and her Austrian colleague Gedeon Winter have walked the same valley too many times, suffered too much to let a satanic serial killer throw them off course.

Top notch cast list

Ok, if you’re afraid of making a deal with the devil and want to switch off, you should take a look at the rest of the cast. Because alongside character actor August Diehl, who gives madness a face with fabulous serenity, Felix Kammerer also strays through the forest in a no less crude role. Kammerer? Yes, exactly. It’s worth seeing how the leading actor from the much-discussed Oscar winner “Nothing New in the West” lets creep into the living room without even batting an eyelid.

Nothing is as tame and innocent as it seems. Especially not in that ominous border area between Germany and Austria, which depicts the crime series in all shades from grey-blue to blue-grey. No summer freshness. It is not for nothing that coats for protection and camouflage are a central element of the series. There is an energy of cold that can be understood by viewers in the strip between the Ore Mountains, Vogtland and the Czech Republic as a real feel-good climate. A region like our homeland is outlined there. Charged with myths and legends, deferred forgiveness, guilt, inferiority complexes and complex trauma.

Podcast episode shines a light on the unspoken

Oh, what is there to discuss in a new podcast episode of “Nachtfresser”, what the characters on the screen are painfully silent and swallowing. And yet every shot of it screams! One night is hardly enough to deprive oneself of sleep. Where are the limits for the border crossers Stocker and Winter, who have been investigating the Watzmann together in the diffuse light since 2019 and have long since thrown their morale into the river? It has to end one day. The guns on the table. Storage under the mattress is not a good solution, even the fallen angel of a commissioner who only looks like a template in name has to realize that. Winter. At the end there is still dancing. After all, he comes from Vienna. Can this be a happy ending?

Inspiration for the series comes from the cool north

The series, which according to Sky is the second most successful of the pay channel, is inspired by a Danish-Swedish production that came out in 2011. In this series, too, the triggering moment is a corpse that is found right on the border between the two countries. Horror stories are the best.

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