DIRECT. National Assembly: the two RN vice-presidencies, “logical distribution” of a “complex” composition, defends Eric Woerth

by time news

The two RN vice-presidencies, “logical distribution” of a “complex Assembly”

“It is the composition of the National Assembly, which is complex: a powerful extreme left and the extreme right which has nearly 90 deputies, everyone has understood this. Obviously in the representation of the structure of the Assembly, it is logical that there are two of the six vice-presidents who are RN ”, defends, on Europe 1, the deputy Renaissance Eric Woerth. “There were five-six hours of voting yesterday,” he recalls as if to show the level of debate. “It’s not an agreement, it’s a logical distribution”, “all those who want to see it as a political agreement, either they don’t understand anything or they lie”, he adds in the direction of the left which is insurgent that the RN obtains, for these positions, much more than its 89 votes.

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