Disaster in Texas: 3-year-old found a gun and shot her sister to death

by time news

Heavy disaster in Texas: a 3-year-old girl accidentally shot her 4-year-old sister, after finding a loaded gun in a pavilion in the city of Houston. The family members ran into the room when they heard the shot – and found the 4-year-old lifeless.

According to reports in the American media, the incident took place in one of the bedrooms in the house. The two sisters were at home with their parents and 5 friends who came to the scene, but were left in the room unattended. The county sheriff, Ed Gonzalez, said that each of the adults thought that another person was watching over them – and as a result, the two were left alone in the parents’ room.

At some point the 3-year-old found the gun, which was loaded, and accidentally fired a bullet at her sister. The family members who heard the noise of the gunfire called the rescue forces and entered the room – but found the 4-year-old lifeless, and the medical teams that arrived at the home pronounced her dead on the spot.

The local police said that the investigation of the incident is in its early stages, and at this stage it is not yet known whether the adults who were in the house will be questioned or prosecuted for the incident. “This looks like another tragic case of a child gaining access to a firearm and harming someone else,” Gonzalez said. “We are all heartbroken over the girl’s death in this way. Cases like this can be easily prevented, and I urge everyone who keeps a weapon in their home to act responsibly and keep their weapons in a safe place.”

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