Disclosure: the surprising program of the Day of the Armies of the Name • All the details

by time news

The congregation in Jerusalem
The Day of the Armies of the Name in the historical and powerful position that is forbidden to miss!

All revelations…

The audience… preached

If every year ‘Yom Zivaot Hashem’ is the name of a thing, about one and how many in a special year like this – the year of the community. The year in which all the people of Israel gathered in the house of the temple, and by God this year was also honored, when we all went up to Jerusalem, to the house of the third temple from Mishv.

This is the 12th year that the Day of the Armies of the Lord event has been held. ְ ְ ְ ְ ְ ְ ְ ְ ְ ְ ְ ְ ְ ְ ְ

I have to do it. Of course, don’t forget to arrive in uniform.

The audience 360

The organizers of the conference sat down and looked for the largest indoor hall in the country, for a conference this year, the public needs a place that will accommodate the most people… they searched and found a city.

I have to do it.

Hidon the branches

Are you ready for the eighth quiz of the Israel Defense Forces branches?
On the stage will be the representatives of the branches who have passed the difficult tests in the branch and will compete for the title of ‘bridegroom of the branches’ and his two deputies.

At the headquarters they tell me that this year there will be the most competitors ever, in light of the many branches that were opened this year. It could be you too! Just sit back and memorize well the chapters of the book ‘The Redemption’ and we all wish you success!

Raise the flags!

In the branches of the many features, in each branch the soldiers and the soldiers received fabric and drawing tools to make a ‘branch flag’, with which they will arrive at the huge event. Between the branches there will be a competition for the most impressive and creative flag.

Choir of the armies of the name

These days, the choir is already at the peak of rehearsals for their appearance on the big stage. The soldiers are well trained and will present in song and dance the journey of a soldier in the armies of God. We are talking about a new and original production that has not yet been seen…

The audience is musical

Without a doubt, this is going to be one of the highlights of the event…
In the branches, the men and women received the percussion instruments that they make themselves, together we will tune in the branch and create a unique rhythm. At the moment of truth we will all take out the instrument and in a uniform form a wondrous harmony will be created!

The great giant

You know that you can read the revelations and the most secret information only here in the newspaper, if you are here I will be able to reveal to you a little bit about the unified event that will take place in Mechiz. For this purpose, I turn to the spirit of the animal behind the show, R. Pol’a Korex, who will tell you what exactly is in front of us:

“הַשָּׁנָה לִכְבוֹד שְׁנַת הַקְהֵל, רָצִינוּ לִיצֹר מוֹפָע שׁוֹנֶה, מַשֶּׁהוּ לֹא סְטַנְדַּרְטִי, שֶׁיִּתֵּן הַרְבֵּה בִּטּוּי לַקָּהָל. בְּמֶשֶׁךְ שָׁבוּעוֹת רַבִּים יָשְׁבוּ מיטה הַכּוֹתְבִים וְהַכּוֹתְבוֹת עַל מוֹפָע עִם מַחֲזֶה מְרַגֵּשׁ וּמְרַתֵּק, שֶׁיְּשַׁלֵּב בְּתוֹךְ הָעֲלִילָה נִגּוּנִים עָצְמָתִיִּים שֶׁיִּסְחֶפוּ אֶת כֻּלָּם. יַחַד עִם כְּלֵי פִּירוֹטֶכְנִיקָה, רַקְדָנִים, Huge accessories and a host of other items that will give you an unusual experience.”

I have to do it.

I am already curious to be part of this show…

salute to those who rise in rank in command

We have been preparing for the event for many months, every year we work on a refreshing, unique production. But this time they tell me about a new challenge they face:
I have to do it. But there is no plan to put so many boys and girls on the stage. The solution must be original and unique, and when you get to the event you will be able to see it for yourself…”

Have you not registered yet? Grab a seat for the whole family now

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