Discount on fuel, restaurant tickets … What changes on September 1, 2022

by time news
The new fuel discount is probably one of the most anticipated measures of the 1is next September in France. Franz massard /; OceanProd /

With the start of the school year comes its traditional share of changes, including several measures in favor of purchasing power.

From 1is September 2022, several new measures legally come into force or are updated. Changes that are part of a context of high inflation and the need to preserve the purchasing power of the French. Here are the main ones:

Fuel discount increases to 30 cents

Good news for those who use their car a lot. The discount on the price of fuel goes from 18 to 30 euro cents (including tax) per liter from the 1is September 2022. It will then return to 10 euro cents per liter from 1is November to December 31, 2022, the date until which the discount has been extended. This discount applies to all types of fuel.

The ceiling for restaurant tickets raised

From 1is September 2022, the daily ceiling for restaurant tickets is reduced from 19 to 25 euros. This is a measure adopted on August 4 as part of the law in support of purchasing power. This increase applies in restaurants as well as for food purchases in stores and supermarkets.

Abolition of the audiovisual license fee

Another novelty provided for by the purchasing power law, the abolition of the audiovisual license fee, amounting to 138 euros and paid so far by nearly 23 million French people each year. If you are totally exempt from housing tax on your main residence and paid monthly only for the TV license fee, you will automatically be reimbursed in September by bank transfer for the amounts deducted this year. If you are one of the French people who still pay housing tax on your main residence, the amount of the TV license fee will be returned to you either by transfer in October, or by reducing the monthly payments deducted from you under the housing tax. For those who did not pay the fee, nothing changes, there is no procedure to take.

Change of insurer-borrower

From 1is September, the possibility of terminating and changing borrower insurance free of charge at any time will apply to all contracts in progress on this date, and no longer only to loans signed after 1is June 2022 as provided for by the law of February 28, 2022.

Opening of scholarship applications

The 1is September, and until October 20, opens the second high school scholarship application campaign for middle school students entering high school at the start of the next school year, as well as high school students who are not yet scholarship holders and who need a financial aid. Student grants will also be increased by 4% at the start of the academic year.

Revaluation of social and family benefits

Aid paid by CAF will also benefit from a 4% increase at the start of the school year. This is the case for the Activity bonus, the Active Solidarity Income (RSA), the Solidarity Income (RSO), the Disabled Adult Allowance (AAH), family allowances (monthly), the family supplement (monthly), Birth or adoption bonus, Disabled Child Education Allowance (AEEH), Family Support Allowance (Asf), Free Choice Supplement (CMG), the Shared Child Education Benefit (PreParE), the Back-to-School Allowance (ARS), the Daily Caregiver Allowance (Ajpa) or the flat-rate allowance in the event of the child’s death.

Easy access to origins for children from LDCs

If you wish to donate your gametes (spermatozoa and oocytes) or your embryo soon, be aware that from this Thursday, you must first consent to your identity (surname, first name, date of birth) and certain other personal data (age and general condition at the time of the donation, family and professional situation, physical characteristics, motivations for the donation) are accessible to the children resulting from this donation if they request it once they reach adulthood. For donations prior to 1is September, this is at their discretion, if the donor wishes, they will remain anonymous.

A deadline for gender parity

On the business side, those with fewer than 50 employees and whose 2021 gender equality index did not obtain a sufficient score will have until 1is September to publish theirprogress objectives and, where applicable, corrective and catch-up salary measures». The 1is September will also be the deadline for companies that have had more than 1,000 employees for three years to publish any differences in the representation of men and women that there may be among their managers.

Launch of “Yes pub”

Those whose mailbox is overflowing with leaflets, which they will probably never read, will be delighted to learn of the arrival of the device “yes ad» in 13 municipalities and municipal authorities from the first 1is september. Measure of the Climate and Resilience Bill, this new sticker replaces the one with the words “Stop pub“, in place since 2004. A change of paradigm therefore, since the presence of this badge will now be mandatory to explicitly signify your approval of paper advertising. Who doesn’t say a word no longer consents…

And during the month…

On September 15, the exceptional back-to-school bonus, amounting to 100 euros (to which are added 50 euros per dependent child), will be paid to 11 million households. This assistance is intended for people with modest incomes, scholarship students, precarious elderly people and finally French people receiving APL (Personalized housing assistance).

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