by time news

2023-05-15 20:48:56

Saturday’s game can be compared to the game against Globo and Vitória, for the Copa do Brasil, due to the team’s tactical disorganization.

In theory, Mano even got it right to remove Renê and Alan Patrick, both with more games in the season, but it’s not smart to remove both at the same time, usually the ones who create the most in Inter’s team.

The fact is that the whole team was bad, very bad, from beginning to end. And you can’t even say that it was Atlético on the other side, because Coudet put together a very bad team, weak in defense and slow in attack, in addition to scoring very poorly.

Inter has been facing itself since the beginning of the year, and losing.

In the 100 minutes on that horrible lawn, I counted a single play worked by the team, which started with Tahuan Lara and ended with a kick by Maurício. It’s Inter’s only move worked on throughout the game, which arrived in the area with goal danger.

The rest were dead balls, which generated kicks, and a ball recovery already in the Galo area.

That is, Inter produced nothing all the time.

The score is even illusory, because the Rooster was also very bad, having a goal lost in a failure by Bustos and another (both with Hyoran) in a splash ball, and a beautiful defense by Keiller in the middle of the second half. Very little for the team that completes a lot.

I didn’t see Keiller fail in the goal, but it’s unbelievable that the Vargas dwarf manages to head between two defenders. And in cross ball from the middle, I always think the goalkeeper should dispute, but Keiller walks so insecure that he doesn’t come out in the air.

Bustos in a bad phase is still better than Igor Gomes, but the Argentine has been bad, mainly in support, where he stood out.

Surprisingly, Rômulo gave combativeness to the middle, even awkward, he sought confrontation. At the beginning, even better, with De Pena and Matheus Dias on the sides, but then he was isolated again, running after those who were positioned between the two lines of marking.

Tahuan Lara is a winger with an offensive vocation, he still has some difficulty defending and he got tired, but he is the player who tried the most.

The draw would not be unfair, not for Inter, but for Galo. Two good saves by the goalkeeper, in kicks from the edge of the area, and a header on the crossbar, could have given the tie.

In any case, the result would not erase the bad performance of the team, disorganized, with no connection between the middle and the attack. And the most curious thing is that it was the scheme that Mano used last year, with Gabriel, Johnny, Renê and Alemão in their respective positions, so you can’t say that the team didn’t play together.

It is a fact that Luiz Adriano adds little or nothing on the field, but the team is not playing anything in any sector, so it is difficult to particularize one or another player.

Last week, I wrote in a post by Pacheco, I think, or Vitor, that we should separate what is a player and what is a coach, in terms of responsibility for performance. That’s because we created good chances against Nacional, and then against Athlético, but on Saturday we didn’t create anything, we didn’t do anything, except a bunch of players who couldn’t control the ball or show up for the pass. And, for the most part, they were the same players who had an excellent 30 minutes against Nacional and Athlético. Saturday, not even two minutes of reasonable football.

That’s not talking about squad, players, and even less about physical preparation, since, Saturday, there was no demonstration of lack of physical preparation at any time, and that’s what they ran in a haphazard way during the 100 minutes. What was missing was football in all its basic fundamentals, from the organization on the field to the final conclusion for the goal.

Inter, which did well last year, with good results, after Melgar, and with a good performance in several games, was completely dismantled, destroyed, and very little was left. I don’t know if the solution is to change coach, player, physical trainer or whatever, but no possible diagnosis involves finding that it is very, very bad.


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