Dispute in the traffic light over security policy continues

by time news

2023-05-21 18:40:00

Finance Minister Lindner, Chancellor Scholz, Economics Minister Habeck

The federal government cannot agree on several points of the national security strategy.

(Photo: dpa)

The two most important foreign policy strategies that the federal government is currently working on continue to be delayed. The “national security strategy” was actually supposed to go into the cabinet next week, and a Bundestag debate on it was already planned for May 25.

In fact, it was still on the program on Friday. But now, a few days before the date, it is becoming apparent that the schedule will probably not be able to be kept again.

The reason: Contrary to expectations, the federal government cannot agree on a few points by the targeted date, as the Handelsblatt learned from people familiar with the process. The “Süddeutsche Zeitung” had previously reported on it.

There is still hope that, despite the delay, the National Security Strategy can be passed at least before the parliamentary summer recess. However, it is already clear that the plan for dealing with Beijing is different.

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