Dispute over social benefits: stay away from parental allowance

by time news

2023-07-09 19:36:21

On the way: A father walks with his son through the zoo in Dresden. Image: dpa

Parental allowance is expensive, but successful: academics have more children, fathers stay at home longer, studies show. But with its reform, the traffic light coalition torpedoed this progress.

If you’re rich, the state doesn’t have to pamper you too. And nobody in Germany will be impoverished if in future only couples who have less than 150,000 euros in taxable annual income will receive parental allowance. That’s the way it is – and one could end the discussion about the federal government’s planned cap on parental allowance at this point (and take care of the three-month-old daughter instead).

It is not that simple. The parental allowance introduced in 2007 was from the start more than just another social benefit for the needy, which the welfare state was supposed to protect against poverty. Rather, the fathers and mothers of the reform were concerned with motivating more well-educated women to have children and making career breaks and changing diapers attractive to men.

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