Do chant the mantras of Lord Vishnu in the month of Kartik.

by time news

2023-11-19 20:57:23

Lord Vishnu: Kartik month is the month of religion. In this month, by worshiping Shri Hari methodically for one month, one attains Dharma. By worshiping Shri Hari in the month of Kartik, one gets the results of seventh birth. Its regular singing is very useful in life.

‘Om Namo Bhagavataya Basudevaya’, the mantra has been going on since the beginning of the universe and Sanatan Dharma. Meaning of this mantra is Om – Om is the greatest sound in the universe, Namo means salutation or salutation, Bhagavata means powerful, merciful or best, Basudevai means everything. He is omnipresent. This is the supreme mantra of Sanatan Dharma and is dedicated to Lord Vishnu. According to the Puranas, chanting this mantra provides many miraculous benefits in life.

– Chanting the mantra 108 times after taking bath regularly in the morning during the entire month of Kartikmas brings welfare to all and all obstacles are removed.

Regular chanting of mantra maintains happiness and prosperity in the family and also provides inner peace.

– Keep your heart and soul close to Lord Vishnu by chanting ‘Om Namo Bhagwate Basudevaya’ 108 times daily.

– Chanting this mantra is very good to get physical strength, mental peace and spiritual energy.

– According to mythological tradition, by worshiping Lord Vishnu and chanting this mantra with true heart one attains salvation and attains salvation. Therefore according to the scriptures it is also called Mukti Mantra.

– This is a powerful mantra with 12 letters, so continuously chanting this one mantra while doing good deeds, while waking up, while sleeping will get rid of all sins and attain enlightenment.

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