Do doctors from Similar Pharmacies pay taxes?

by time news

2024-03-15 00:00:11

Economic clinics are increasingly gaining popularity in Mexico. The constant inauguration throughout the country is the clearest example of its success. At the same time, there are many complaints specific to doctors of Similar pharmacies because it is not clear if it really they pay taxes.

The franchise of Similar pharmacies It emerged in 1997 to focus exclusively on the sale of generic medicines at affordable prices. While shortly after the business expanded with the installation of general offices next to most of the branches.

Do doctors from Similar Pharmacies pay taxes?

Beyond the opinions about the work done by this chain, there is now a new discussion. Everything was generated by the alleged evasion by the tax payment from the doctors of Similar pharmacies.

Everything is generated because doctors are not really classified as workers. It is one of the reasons why they do not have a fixed salary or receive benefits for carrying out their work.

Doctors at Similar Pharmacies do not have a fixed salary

With this in mind, your payment is determined by the number of consultations provided per day. The total amount is direct for each doctor and if they want to earn more they must treat as many patients as possible. There is even the possibility of working double shifts.

Having said the above, everything could indicate that the Similar Pharmacy doctors do not pay taxes. Although in some cases this is the case, there are also others that do comply with this tax requirement. The secret lies in whether it is their only source of work or if they have another.

Why don’t the doctors at Farmacias Similares want to be hired and have a fixed salary?

In this regard, the Dr. Carlos Danielwho works in a branch of Similar pharmacies in Baja California, published a video with his testimony. What he mentions is that he has a second job in which he is registered as an employee. Therefore, at least in his case he does comply with his tax payments. He also clarifies that he is registered with the Simplified Trust Regime (Resico).


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Do other doctors at Similar Pharmacies also pay taxes?

On the other hand, the good example of Dr. Carlos Daniel does not necessarily occur with his other colleagues. Due to their type of work and the fact that they are not really workers, it means that they are not obliged to pay taxes as long as it is their only source of income.

The issue becomes relevant due to the recent proposal to regulate all offices attached to pharmacies. There is an initiative so that all doctors in this type of establishments receive all the benefits mentioned in the Federal Labor Law. From a fixed salary to benefits and social security.

Although having benefits they must also comply with obligations and one of the main ones is the tax payment directly on your payroll.

Do doctors evade paying taxes?

The answer is yes and even the Institute of Technology and Higher Studies of Monterrey (ITESM) carried out the research Evasion in professional activities to detect the most common ways in which this illegal practice is done. What was obtained is that among health professionals there are three common ways in which they avoid paying taxes.

  • Use of cash.
  • Denial of invoice regardless of the means of payment.
  • Exaggeration of deductions in your statements.

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#doctors #Similar #Pharmacies #pay #taxes

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