Do not be afraid of BJP rolling threats to apologize … Supporters who incite Siddhartha ..!

by time news

Tamil Nadu, First Published Jan 12, 2022, 10:57 AM IST

Actor Siddharth, who is active on social networking sites, has been posting comments on social media on his Twitter page. It is also common to get caught up in controversy by posting some controversial comments from time to time. In that sense, Siddharth’s response to the record of Indian athlete Saina Nehwal has caused great controversy.Do not be afraid of BJP rolling threats to apologize ... Supporters who incite Siddharth

Badminton player Saina Nehwal posted a tweet on January 5 pointing out the security lapses during Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Punjab. In it, he slammed “the security of a country compromised by the prime minister. That country is not safe. I strongly condemn this. Cowardly attack on Prime Minister Modi by anarchists.”

Actor Siddharth’s response to Saina’s tweet has sparked a huge controversy. There was strong opposition to the words he mentioned in the tweet being obscene and ambiguous. Do not be afraid of BJP rolling threats to apologize ... Supporters who incite Siddharth

The Women’s Commission of India had recommended an inquiry into the matter. Also, Rekha Sharma, chairperson of the Women’s Commission of India, had written to Tamil Nadu DGP Silenthra Babu asking for action against Siddharth. In addition, actress Khushboo and cricketer Raina have recorded their condemnation of Siddharth.

In this case, actor Siddharth has written a letter apologizing to Saina in this matter. In the letter he stated: “Dear Saina … I apologize to you for responding to one of your tweets a few days ago with an outrageous joke. In many respects I may not have agreed with you. But even the frustration or anger I felt while reading your tweet, can not justify my tone and words. Do not be afraid of BJP rolling threats to apologize ... Supporters who incite Siddharth

I am well aware that I can speak better than that. If any joke had to be explained, it would not be a good joke. So, forgive me for that joke.

The word game in my tweet, however, is only humorous. I claim that it has no intention of making everyone think. I have always sided with feminists. I’m sure I’m not intent on attacking you as a woman. So, we can leave this matter with this. I hope you will accept my letter. You are always my champion. “

Last Updated Jan 12, 2022, 11:22 AM IST


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