Do you feel anxious or tense? 6 surprising causes

by time news

Do you feel depressed, anxious or tense, but not sure why? These daily habits affect how you feel.

1. Too Much Caffeine

We’ve mentioned it before, but drinking too much caffeine can cause a feeling of restlessness. In addition, caffeine can make you feel gloomy or anxious. Maybe you drink too much coffee? Try replacing one cup of regular coffee with decaffeinated coffee.

2. Too little exercise

The amount of physical exercise in a day affects how you feel. Research shows that exercising can make you feel less anxious and/or depressed. Do not panic. You don’t have to start exercising four times a week right away. Try going for a 20 minute walk every day.

3. Social media

Of course, social media provides distraction, but subconsciously it also causes you to constantly compare yourself with others. This can make you feel insecure or depressed. Try to remind yourself that social media only represents a very small part of a person’s life. You can agree with yourself, for example, to only open Instagram or Facebook after breakfast and to put your phone away around 9 PM.

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4. Too little outside

If you spend a lot of time indoors, it can have a negative impact on your mood. Nature has a calming effect on your nervous system and the production of vitamin D ensures that feelings of depression decrease.

5. Too Many Carbs

Fast carbohydrates ensure that your energy level rises. Examples include biscuits, candy, ice cream and soft drinks. If you eat or drink fast carbohydrates too often, your blood sugar level will fluctuate more. As a result, you can suffer from mood swings.

6. Working too much

There’s nothing wrong with a little drive, but too much work makes you exhausted and less comfortable in your own skin. So give yourself time and space to relax. Think you might be working too much? Call a friend, go for a walk, or visit a relative. You will see that you will feel a bit more energetic afterwards.

Also read: People with these 6 zodiac signs often find it difficult to let go of work

Photo: GettyImages

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