Doctors listed the signs of overwork of the body

by time news

Overwork affects the psychological and physical health of a person. Experts called alarming symptoms that signal that the body needs rest.

Excessive regular exercise often leads to overwork, which negatively affects our health. However, in most cases it is difficult for a person to understand that the deterioration in well-being is associated precisely with overwork. Experts have listed the main signs of this condition, writes Al Jazeera.

Constant feeling of tiredness and sleep disturbance

When the work schedule becomes so busy that it interferes with normal sleep, a person begins to feel empty. When sleepless nights become common, it’s a bad sign.

Unexplained headaches

Excessive fatigue, stress, frustration, and high blood pressure all happen when we overwork. All of these factors increase the risk of headaches.

Incessant stomach cramps

Another symptom is stomach problems. This is how our body reacts to the release of stress hormones and lack of rest.

Feeling weak

According to experts, when we overexert our body and mind, it is more difficult for us to recover. As a result, overwork can make it difficult for us to lift objects that previously seemed easy.

Other signs of overwork included difficulty concentrating, hair loss, and an above-normal resting heart rate.

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