Doctors say the number of snakebites in the UK is on the rise

by time news

But why could the number of snakebites in the UK be on the rise? The reason for this is that many people keep snakes and even poisonous species as pets in their homes.


UK, First Published Jul 21, 2022, 2:44 PM IST

Doctors are warning that the number of snakebites in the UK has been on the rise in recent years. In the past eleven years, three hundred people have sought treatment for snake bites. 72 of the patients were teenagers or children. 13 of them are under five years of age. Although most of those bitten have recovered, some have become seriously ill.

snakebites rising in UK

One of the patients had to have part of his finger amputated. 47-year-old Luke Yeomans was one of the people who tried to save snakes from extinction. However, in June 2011, he died of a cobra bite at his home in Nottingham. King cobra is the longest venomous snake in the world. Growing up to about 13 feet long, they can stand up to the eye of an adult.

But why could the number of snakebites in the UK be on the rise? The reason for this is that many people keep snakes and even poisonous species as pets in their homes. People who seek treatment are mostly bitten on the fingers, hands and wrists. Completely wild, they cannot be domesticated like dogs and cats. Many people try to grow them at home without any training to handle it. That too, people mostly keep exotic species as pets in their homes. According to estimates, one in 100 homes in Britain has a snake as a pet. This is what causes people to get bitten by snakes. It is becoming common there now.

snakebites rising in UK

Meanwhile, there are only three species of snakes that can be said to be native to the UK. They are adder, grass snake and smooth snake. Only adder itself is poisonous. But it never comes out of its habitat and bites anyone. It only bites us as part of a defense mechanism when it feels that it is about to be harmed. It is also mostly bitten on the leg. But now most of the injuries are above the waist. This can easily be avoided by not handling live snakes. At least 125,000 people worldwide are killed by snakebites every year, not just in the UK. But since many countries do not have accurate records, this cannot be seen as a true figure. The actual number could be much higher.

Last Updated Jul 21, 2022, 2:46 PM IST

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