Doctors update, +30% registrations for Consulcesi distance courses

by time news

2023-12-01 12:47:49

For many healthcare workers, this last month will be a race against time. The objective is to reach 150 credits for the three-year training period 2020-22 and, extraordinarily, due to the pandemic, also the two previous ones 2014-16 and 2017-19. The deadline is very close – Consulcesi underlines – and there will be no more loopholes. The Minister of Health Orazio Schillaci has in fact reiterated that there will be no further extensions. For those who fail to comply there is the risk of administrative sanctions, established by their professional association, up to and including suspension. The fear of the consequences has pushed many healthcare workers to take action by resorting to easy-to-access CME courses, distance learning (FAD).

In recent weeks, Consulcesi Club has in fact recorded a surge in registrations for its ‘remote’ courses. More precisely – a note details – a 30% increase in participation in the 300 courses from which a total of 1500 ECM credits can be obtained. An increase in line with the data reported by the National Association of Healthcare Training Providers (Afns) in collaboration with Cogeaps, the Consortium that manages the ECM credit registry. From the data, in fact, it emerges that the great protagonist is distance learning, the Fad modality, the use of which increased fivefold in the three-year period 2020-2022 compared to the two previous three-year periods (2014-2016 and 2017-2019), with almost 10 million of participations in Fad events in the years 2020/2022.

Interactive and multimedia, with webinars, e-books and virtual reality: the Fad offer has never been so varied, Consulcesi assures. “The objective is to help healthcare professionals as much as possible to fulfill the training obligation, which expires on December 31st – states the president of Consulcesi, Massimo Tortorella – And we have done this by completely renewing the Consulcesi Club and strengthening the our offer for professional development, providing a multitude of topics, always current, and ways of using them”.

For the occasion, the catalog of online ECM courses has been renewed, integrating it with digital training models that can be followed on smartphones, tablets and PCs with extreme convenience. The offer of so-called ‘simulation’ training has aroused great interest. Consulcesi Club, in fact, has introduced immersive and interactive experiences in which the choices of the protagonist in training are expressed with an immediate cause-effect that leads to different endings, similar to the ‘Bandersnatch model’ of the famous Black Mirror series. Added to which are virtual reality modules that can be explored with the appropriate viewer, with simulations of maneuvers and procedures, and demonstration videos on the techniques to be adopted in clinical cases. “Now there really are no more excuses for not fulfilling the training obligation”, quips the president of Consulcesi.

“I recommend tackling this last ‘mile’ with seriousness and serenity, always keeping in mind that professional development is not a weapon aimed at you, but an ‘ally’ to carry out the profession to the best of your ability”, he concludes.

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