Doctors – vaginal discharge – a common problem but not treated enough

by time news

Main points of the article:

  • Vaginal discharge is a natural phenomenon that originates in the glands inside the vagina and cervix. A normal discharge from the vagina will be white, scaly, odorless and without additional symptoms.
  • The thickness, color and symptoms that accompany the discharge indicate the various stages during the menstrual cycle, some of which may indicate inflammation or infection and the need to consult a gynecologist.
  • Abnormal discharge caused by inflammation will often be accompanied by symptoms such as bad and strong odor, thickening, itching, irritation, burning and pain. A gynecologist should be consulted to diagnose and treat the source of the symptoms.

What are vaginal discharge?

Vaginal discharge is a natural phenomenon that results from glands inside the vagina and secretions from the cervix. Normal vaginal discharge will be acidic (pH 4.5-5), will contain old cells that have fallen from the walls of the vagina, bacteria and secretions from the cervix, and will appear as a white, odorless, transparent or yellowish liquid. A normal discharge should not be accompanied by symptoms such as an unpleasant odor, itching or pain, these symptoms may indicate inflammation and if they appear, a gynecologist should be consulted.

The amount of vaginal discharge varies from woman to woman, as well as the color, amount and thickness vary depending on hormonal factors, the menstrual cycle, the bacterial population in the vagina and factors related to sex.

What should vaginal discharge look like?

Vaginal discharge varies according to the days of the menstrual cycle:

  • During menstruation 1-5 – the secretion will actually be bleeding, when the uterine lining falls out.
  • In the days after menstruation 6-14 – there will usually be a reduction in secretions from the vagina, as the egg begins to develop. The secretion these days will be mucous and sticky, white or yellow.
  • In the days before ovulation 14-25 – the secretion will be less thick, similar to egg white. After ovulation, the secretion will return to being sticky and mucous.
  • In the days before menstruation 25-28 – the secretions will be less thick and less.

What do brown vaginal discharge indicate?

Brown vaginal discharge can occur due to a number of conditions:

  • Bleeding left in the vagina after menstruation and oxidized, so it got its brown color. Can appear before or after menstruation.
  • Hormonal imbalance – The hormone estrogen takes part in the menstrual cycle, an increase in estrogen encourages the ovulation process. A normal decrease in estrogen will lead to menstrual bleeding, while a lack of estrogen can cause the uterine lining to break at various points during the menstrual cycle and a number of side effects, including brown discharge.
  • Taking Hormonal Contraceptives – Birth control pills as well as a hormonal uterine device can cause bleeding and brown discharge.
  • Use of certain medications
  • Mild bleeding during ovulation – About 3% of women will experience light bleeding during ovulation.
  • Beyond that – any abnormal bleeding can be linked to a number of abnormal health conditions, and it is advisable to consult a gynecologist.

Photo: Shatterstock

What are white secretions from the vagina?

White or transparent, odorless secretions are usually normal secretions associated with hormonal changes throughout the menstrual cycle. As long as they are not accompanied by itching, burning or pain, they are considered normal. However, if the white discharge is accompanied by a thickness reminiscent of cottage cheese, bad smell or pain, itching, burning, burning, irritation, redness, etc., it is probably inflammation.

These signs are most commonly associated with a fungal infection, which is caused by the Candida fungus which is a common fungus in the digestive tract. The presence of Candida in the gastrointestinal tract does not in itself cause damage, but when it does cause inflammation, the symptoms in the vagina are revealed. Candida can be diagnosed using a culture, then given tailored treatment whether using a designated ointment, pills or candles.

What are vaginal yellow secretions?

Light yellow secretions are usually normal. Discharges with a greenish, strong yellow and dark hue, accompanied by symptoms such as strong odor, itching, burning or pain, can indicate inflammation or infection, whether bacterial inflammation of the vagina or trichomoniasis.

The Trichomonas parasite is transmitted through sexual intercourse. It is estimated that about one-fifth of women and one-tenth of men are infected with it. In men, the attacking parasite is felt through burning when urinating. In women, severe inflammation of the parasite will cause a yellow discharge with a strong odor, irritation and itching, redness and tenderness, burning during intercourse and when urinating. The parasite can be diagnosed by examining the secretion. The treatment is performed using antibiotics that kill the parasite.

What do vaginal discharge contain in childhood and in those not of childbearing age?

Girls who have not yet experienced first menstruation and menopausal women will experience less discharge than those of childbearing age. Normal secretion not of childbearing age will not be acidic (pH around 7) and will appear white, yellowish or transparent, odorless.

How to stop vaginal discharge?

Is it possible to reduce vaginal discharge? With regard to normal secretions, which do not originate from infections or infections, they can not be got rid of. This is a natural phenomenon also called “physiological secretion” because the vagina has a self-hygienic mechanism that is maintained through the same secretions that help secrete harmful bacteria, as well as the level of acidity that prevents the development of harmful organisms in the vagina, such as fungi.


Intimate rinses, tampons, pads and bandages, especially in fragrance, can cause an imbalance in the natural flora of the vagina. Photo: Shatterstock

In fact, vaginal rinsing and the introduction of preparations that may impair the normal level of acidity in the vagina and cause abnormal secretions and the development of unwanted infections should be avoided. Feminine hygiene products such as intimate rinses, tampons, pads and bandages, especially those in fragrance, can cause an imbalance in the natural flora of the vagina.

In order to get rid of the secretions caused by the presence of inflammation or infection in the vagina, a gynecologist should be consulted in order to diagnose the exact problem and receive appropriate medical treatment. Usually, after treatment, the symptoms resulting from an infection or inflammation, including abnormal secretions, will disappear.

And an important tip: to avoid infections and sexually transmitted diseases that cause abnormal secretions, it is advisable to use a condom during sexual intercourse, which prevents the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases.

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