Does Elon Musk have Asperger’s? This is the disorder of the eccentric billionaire

by time news

Mari Carmen Parra



Elon Musk, the richest man in the world and new owner of Twitter, suffers Asperger. The billionaire made this confession last year on the American television program ‘Saturday Night Live’ (NBC) where he surprised everyone with his statement. However, Elon Musk is not the only famous person who suffers from Asperger syndrome, since other well-known faces such as Anthony Hopkins, Keanu Reeves, Greta Thumberg or Bill Gates are also diagnosed with this disorder.

The Asperger’s syndrome It is a neurobiological disorder, which is included within the Autistic spectrum, It affects several areas of personal development. Thus, compared to autism, people with Asperger’s do desire social acceptance but are unable to engage in social interactions.

This syndrome also affects verbal and non-verbal communication and the ability to understand certain nuances of language such as sarcasm. However, these people have a fluent language and an average intellectual capacity and even higher than the average of the population.

As for the relationsto people who suffer from Asperger It is difficult for them to recognize and understand the ‘unwritten’ social rules, so they can sometimes behave inappropriately without realizing it. In the same way, despite wanting to interact with others, many times they do not know how to do it, so they will find themselves alone.

It is also difficult for these people interact with many people at the same time, so it can sometimes give the feeling that they do not want to integrate.

Las emotions they are also a workhorse, since it is very difficult for them to realize what the feelings and emotions that other people show, at the same time that it is also difficult for them to express their own emotions.

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The thought of a person with Asperger’s

The way of thinking of people who have the syndrome from Asperger it is rigid, which makes it easier for them to carry out activities that require great attention to detail and in which patterns are repeated. On the other hand, they will show greater difficulty when it comes to practicing more flexible activities or that require looking for alternatives to solve them.

Another characteristic, in this sense, is that they are faithful to the routinessince these report them security and specific models of action, just as they have very specific interests to which an infinite amount of time is devoted and on which they have a large amount of information.

The Asperger’s syndrome It is also characterized by making people very sensitive to any stimulus, such as noise, lights or smells, among other aspects.

Causes of Asperger’s

After many studies on this syndrome, it is still unknown what are your causesalthough experts consider that there are a series of factors such as having a family history, suffering from fragile X chromosome syndrome, being born before 26 weeks of gestation or being diagnosed with Rett syndrome that can predispose a person to suffer from Asperger’s .

Asperger’s: how to diagnose it

The Asperger’s syndrome It should be evaluated by a specialist who will be in charge of analyzing whether the patient presents problems in social interaction, carries out repetitive patterns and shows limited interest in certain activities, which are some of the characteristics of this disorder. In addition, you will need to assess that there is no delay significant neither in cognitive development nor in language.

Normally, they are carried out tests genetic evaluation, neurological evaluation, tests to check psychomotor and cognitive function.

To all these evaluations is added a interview parents when the patient is a child, while if it is an adult, it will be studied if the person has the skills to lead an independent life.

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