Does the James Webb Telescope Find Life in Space? German researcher worked on it – advisor

by time news

Will this telescope soon show us a second earth and life in space?

After decades of planning, the most expensive space telescope ever built in space history was successfully launched into space on Saturday. With the jointly built by space agencies in Europe, the USA and Canada „James Webb Space Telescope“(JWST) the oldest galaxies in space are to be explored.

The Webb telescope, named after James Webb, an ex-NASA boss, is so complex, large and state-of-the-art that it enables extremely wide views into space.

Photo: NGAS

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Nora Lützgendorf (36) is an ESA scientist. She has been working on the Webb Space Telescope for six years (behind her)Photo: NGAS

Hubble has orbited the earth for 30 years

The infrared telescope is to be the successor to the old Hubble space telescope, which has orbited the earth for 30 years, has been repaired a few times by astronauts – and still provides images of distant galaxies, stars and black holes.

Nah bei uns: Das Weltraumteleskop Hubble rotiert seit 30 Jahren in 550 Kilometern Entfernung um die ErdePhoto: imago/ZUMA Press

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Close to us: The Hubble space telescope has been rotating around the earth at a distance of 550 kilometers for 30 yearsPhoto: imago/ZUMA Press

“Hubble is 550 kilometers away. Webb is sent into orbit 1.5 million kilometers away, ”explains German scientist Nora Lützgendorf (36). She has been working on the new super telescope for the European Space Agency ESA for six years.

Mit einer Ariane-5-Rakete soll Web ins All geschossen werden. Zu seiner Umlaufbahn ist das Teleskop dann einen Monat unterwegsPhoto: Chris Gunn / AP

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It was with this Ariane 5 rocket that Webb was launched into space. The telescope will travel to its orbit for a monthPhoto: Chris Gunn / AP

Four times as far away as the moon

1.5 million kilometers, that’s four times as far as the moon. “The journey there will take a month,” says Lützgendorf: “As soon as the telescope is in space, it will gradually be unfolded.” Because: Webb (twelve by 22 meters) was folded up so that it fits into the rocket.

First pictures from Webb in 200 days

The telescope is adjusted and observed in the first few months. NASA plans to publish the first Webb images 200 days later.

What do the scientists hope for from Webb?

The telescope could discover distant planets on which there is life or on which life is possible.

Nora Lützgendorf: “Through Webb we can see the beginnings of the universe, understand how galaxies developed.”

Since it takes billions of light years for the light of distant stars or galaxies to reach us, we only ever see their past.

Dieses Durcheinander blieb übrig, als ein Stern explodierte. Hubble hat es aufgenommen. Das neue Teleskop kann sogar durch den Nebel sehenFoto: Hulton Archive/Getty Images

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This imposing play of colors was left over when a star exploded. Hubble picked it up. The new Webb telescope can even see through the fogFoto: Hulton Archive/Getty Images


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