dog-named-coco-won-the-guinness-world-record-longest-eyelash | Eyelashes up to 18 cm long; Koko got a place in the Guinness World Records

by time news

photo-Guinnes World Records

A six-year-old dog named Koko holds a Guinness World Record for her seven-inch eyelashes. Coco is a cross between poodles and poodles. Despite having long eyelashes, the doctors said that Koko’s vision is not obstructed due to this.

Coco is owned by California natives Rachel Parks and Michael Babich. Coco’s eyelashes are 17.8 cm long. With this, Coco has become the dog with the longest eyelashes in the world.

Before this, the Spanish cocker spaniel Suva was the first to achieve this record. This dog had eyelashes that were four centimeters or 1.57 inches long. Then in 2014, an Australian Labdoodle named Ranmura from Japan held this record with 17 cm long eyelashes.

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