Dogecoin Creator Disappointed With His Cryptocurrency

by time news

Elon Musk first broke up and then brought down the bitcoin quotes. At first, he praised the cryptocurrency and agreed to accept Bitcoin fees for Tesla. Then he said that bitcoin is not an environmentally friendly cryptocurrency, since mining takes a lot of electricity from fossil raw materials, he stopped accepting payment in it and closed the issue on May 17, saying that Tesla had sold its bitcoins. But not even half a day had passed when he denied himself: it turned out that the company still has bitcoins. But he is definitely keen on another cryptocurrency right now. An investor who had $ 1,000 (0.0049 cents apiece) Dogecoin in his wallet on January 1 would have discovered in early May that he already had $ 145,000 (0.7149 cents apiece). We must thank Musk for this, who called Dogecoin “people’s money”, and himself – Dogefather, promised to launch Dogecoin on the moon, etc., etc.

And I also need to say thanks to the members of the online community Reddit. They started a big deal with Dogecoin. Thanks to their concerted action, Dogecoin, which cost less than a cent at the end of January, reached 7 cents per coin in early February.

But by the time this article was written, the wallet of our imaginary investor would already have a little less than $ 100,000 – for one Dogecoin they gave a little less than half a dollar. This is again Musk’s fault. Speaking on the Saturday Night Live TV show, he tried for a long time to explain to the hosts the meaning of this cryptocurrency, and then agreed with one of them that, in fact, all this is a “big bet”. True, Musk tried to back up: last week he confirmed that a satellite called Doge-1 would fly to the moon, posted a tweet that he bets on Dogecoin and, if he does not meet expectations, he is ready to launch the cryptocurrency himself, admitted that for two years consults the team of programmers who now support Dogecoin … But the quotes have not yet been able to win back all the losses.

This whole story is especially interesting to follow if you know that Dogecoin was just a joke at first. It was created in 2013 by programmers Jackson Palmer and Billy Marcus as a parody of bitcoin.

What the Founding Fathers said to Musk

“Elon Musk was and always will be a self-centered con man,” Palmer wrote on his Twitter. After that, he added that he would erase this recording, because he likes the current calm life. Then he called Musk’s performance on Saturday Night Live “krinjovy” (that is, creepy, disgusting). And he really deleted all three posts, but by that time the screenshots had already spread over the network.


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