DOLLAR TODAY, blue dollar today: how much is it trading this Sunday, March 19

by time news

It is sunday march 19 there is no activity in the financial market and, both for the official dollar as for him Dolar bluethe closing values ​​of the last business day of the week are taken as a reference, which also allow the calculation in pesos and determine the price of certain goods or services that are linked to the US currency.

He official dollarwhich usually spreads the National Bankduring the week it had gradual increases in cents, but due to the constant trend it meant a noticeable increase in the last days.

Last Friday he traded at $201.50 for purchase y $209.50 for sale. These indices show a go up more than $2 with respect to the values ​​of the previous week, when the official dollar for the purchase did not exceed $200.

For his part, he Dolar bluewhich moves in the parallel foreign exchange market, was located in $379 to purchase y $383 for sale. These indicators corroborate the trend rising that the informal dollar had throughout the week and that reflects the rise of $10, compared to the price of the previous week.

Last Thursday the blue dollar reached its nominal record upon reaching $383, thus surpassing the highest record reached in the month of January, when it had touched a historical record by positioning at $378.

After the most recent rise, the blue dollar operated stable in the last business day and did not exhibit variations in its purchase and sale value.

The value of the financial dollarsa category that includes the dollar MEP (electronic payment market) and the dollar CCL (counted with liquidation), which involve stock market mechanisms to obtain this currency through the sale of bonds and shares, had a mixed movement.

The MEP dollar was located at $390,93; showing an upward trend compared to its value of the previous week; while the CCL dollar outperformed first time $400 and on the last business day it traded at $404,04; in sharp rise with respect to the starting value of the weekly stock market activity.

The MEP dollar reached $390.93Shutterstock

Those who are interested in purchasing mep dollar they should know that, for this, there is no monthly quota that must be respected. However, there is limitations for its acquisition. In August 2021, it was regulated that operations carried out in the stock market with financial dollars must go through the bank account in dollars of the client and not from third parties, such as brokerage firms.

Since September 2021, when wanting to make more than one transaction per month, users receive a notification from the bank warning them that they have already complied with their monthly transfer in dollars. Beyond this, the regulations allow more than one transfer in dollars per month, but for that it is necessary to justify the origin of the funds before the bank.


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