Don Francisco will take part within the launch of the “remodel your life” program – 2024-05-25 16:52:09

by times news cr

2024-05-25 16:52:09

The Salvadoran Pension Institute (ISP) invitations residents to take part within the launch of this system “Rework your life | Stay the magic of the IV Age”, which may have the previous tv presenter, Don Francisco, as a visitor.

The occasion will happen within the Auditorium of the Nationwide Library of El Salvador (BINAES) on Tuesday, Might 28 at 9:00 am

The ISP will supply free transportation for attendees, which can be on the following instances:

– East: 4:30 am from the San Miguel workplace.

– West: 6:00 am from the Santa Ana workplace.

“We are going to start this program with a collection of conversations by which we’re very happy to have as a particular visitor, some of the essential tv personalities in Latin America, Mr. Mario Kreutzberger, higher referred to as Don Francisco,” mentioned the Institute.

Don Francisco will accompany in digital format via the transmission of a gaggle of listening classes specifically chosen for pensioners, via which he invitations them to lose the worry of age, and have a good time life.

For all pensioners who want to attend, registration is free and may be executed via the next hyperlink:

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