Donald Trump is suing his ex-lawyer Michael Cohen and asking him for 500 million dollars

by time news

After the divorce, the lawsuits. Donald Trump filed a complaint on Wednesday against his former lawyer, Michael Cohen, who became a witness for the prosecution in the case which is worth the former president to be prosecuted by New York justice.

The Republican billionaire accuses Michael Cohen of having violated professional secrecy and the confidentiality agreement which united them, and claims 500 million dollars in damages.

“Great damage to his image”

In his complaint, filed in a federal court located in Florida, he assures that the former lawyer “denigrated him in books, podcasts and public statements in order to earn money and notoriety”. Michael Cohen, according to him, “revealed confidences” and “spread lies”, which “greatly harmed his image”.

Nicknamed “Donald Trump’s pit bull”, Michael Cohen once said he was ready to “take a bullet” for his boss. Just before the 2016 presidential election, he had paid $ 130,000 out of his own pocket to a porn star, Stormy Daniels, to keep quiet about a sexual relationship she says she had with Donald Trump in 2016.

Donald Trump charged in New York

In January 2018, the Wall Street Journal revealed this transaction. At first, Michael Cohen had covered the president and assured never to have been reimbursed. But the article had aroused the interest of justice.

Surrounded by investigators, who had discovered tax fraud in his accounts, Michael Cohen had turned against Donald Trump. He admitted to having received eleven checks to cover the costs incurred with the porn star.

However, these payments were recorded as “legal fees” in the accounts of the Trump Organization, which led to Donald Trump being charged on April 4 with 34 counts of “falsification accounting” by the New York justice.

Never before has a former president been criminally prosecuted in the entire history of the United States. Donald Trump, who dreams of regaining the White House in 2024, denounced a “political persecution”.

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