Donations for Ukraine: How can I help?

by time news

Any help is needed in Ukraine. Whether donations in kind or money: Individuals can also help. Donation opportunities for Ukraine at a glance.

War is raging in Ukraine. The government has already asked the international community for support. Thousands of people expressed their solidarity online using the hashtag #StandWithUkraine, and many cities and communities have pledged their support to the people of Ukraine. But individuals can help too. Here you will find an overview of how you can support local people.

Help for Ukraine: Donations to action alliances

The two alliances “Alliance Development Helps” and “Aktion Deutschland Hilft” call for donations with one account. “Alliance Development Helps” is an association of several aid organizations, including Bread for the World, Christoffel-Blindenmission, DAHW, Kindernothilfe, medico international, Misereor, and Welthungerhilfe.

“Aktion Deutschland Hilft” is an association of 23 German aid organizations, including the Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund, AWO International, CARE Germany and the Malteser Hilfsdienst. The German medicines relief organization action medeor is also part of the alliance and has already started to make the first aid deliveries for medical facilities in the Ukraine to put together and supplies, for example, bandage material.

The majority of the alliance organizations of “Aktion Deutschland Hilft” have been represented in Ukraine for years with aid programs through their own country offices and local partners. Also the Ukrainian Association in Augsburg has set up a donation account for humanitarian aid to the civilian population.

Video: dpa

Help for Ukraine: Ukrainian organizations

Aid to Ukraine: International Organizations

  • Mission Lifeline organizes a convoy for refugees on the Slovak-Ukrainian border.
  • Caritas does relief work in the Ukraine.
  • Diakonie provides disaster and crisis aid in the Ukraine.
  • Libereco has launched emergency humanitarian aid for the affected areas.
  • Unicef ​​helps Ukrainian children.
  • Doctors Without Borders offers outpatient consultation hours and psychological talks.
  • Safe the Children provides aid to children in the Ukraine.

Offer accommodation for people from Ukraine

  • Ukrainischer Verein Augsburg eV: People who need accommodation for refugees from the Ukraine want to offer.
  • Elinor network: Here, too, people can find places to stay for people from the Ukraine offer.
  • Civilfleet Support: Also mediates between people who want to provide accommodation and people who are fleeing on its “LeaveNoOneBehind” platform.

Aid to Ukraine: what else can be done?

Many serious offers of help are organized at the local level in particular. In many places, associations collect donations in kind and money for affected areas. The basic needs are mainly needed: hygiene items, blankets, sleeping bags, clothing, canned goods, beverage cans and medical emergency equipment.

Also read about this

The flood of information also means there is a need for help: there are currently new reports on the situation in Ukraine every minute. Among the reports are some false reports. Therefore, find out from reputable sources so as not to spread false news about the situation. Another way to show sympathy and solidarity is to take part in demonstrations and rallies. This is usually called for in social networks. An overview of when and where demonstrations are taking place can be found at

We want to know what you think: The Augsburger Allgemeine is therefore working together with the opinion research institute Civey. Read here what the representative surveys are all about and why you should register.

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