Donetsk and Luhansk await their referendum

by time news

A referendum on the attachment of the People’s Republic of Luhansk (LPR) to the Russian Federation could soon be organized, its leader, Leonid Passetchnik announced on Sunday March 27, reports the Moscow daily Nezavisimaya Gazeta, who thinks it’s the“most important information” of this day.

The leader of this self-proclaimed Donbass republic, whose independence was recognized by Moscow on February 21, at the same time as that of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), told the press:

“I think that very soon a referendum will be organized on the territory of the Republic which will allow the population to realize its most absolute constitutional right by expressing its opinion on integration into Russia. And I’m sure that’s what will happen.”

An overwhelming majority of the inhabitants of the LPR should approve the attachment, assures Passetchnik’s adviser Rodion Miroshnik, relayed by the daily Izvestia. But for now it is only a “initiative”, which must first be approved by Russia, he said.


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