“Don’t come to cover up any crime”

by time news

2023-04-22 04:21:13

(CRHoy.com).- After the sentence issued by the Criminal Court of Quepos, the lawyers who participated in the debate on the crime from anesthesiologist María Luisa Cedeño They gave their impressions of the ruling.

He lawyer Hugo Navas, defender of businessman Harry Bodaan expressed that he you are completely sure that your client is innocent.

He even revealed that he believed his words, analyzed the husband and expressed that in a year neither of them gave him any indication.

“I told him that at the slightest indication that he marked me I was going to give up this cause, because I don’t come here to cover up any crimeI came to defend an innocent. You cannot commit a crime on top of another crime. I am very sorry about Dr. I am very sorry for what happened to her family… what they suffer for her, but an innocent person could not be sentenced to look good with public opinion, ”she commented.

Navas explained that the acquittal was in doubt, perhaps because this would stop any lawsuit that could be filed against the State.

For his part, Erick Gatjens, criminal lawyer for the administrator named Miranda, who was also acquitted, explained that in his opinion the ruling was fair.

“We are very satisfied it was the decision we expected. It seems to me that it is an absolutely fair decision. It is a decision absolutely attached to the law, it is a correct decision. It seems to me that this novel that the Public Ministry invented ended in a fair ending, ”he commented.

The defender also pointed out that it is a triumph for the “Rule of Law” and that people can rest easy.

Respect for the ruling

The lawyer for Dr. Cedeño’s family, Alfonso Ruiz, stated that they are now going to wait for the full sentence to analyze whether the arguments presented are sufficient to support the acquittal.

Ruiz explained that in his opinion there would be the possibility that some elements be considered for an appeal, however he expressed that this was not the moment to refer.

“This is not the time. We must call for calm, sanity, respect, and nobility. I reiterate, the Court has given an explanation that until now I do not consider sufficient for the issuance of an acquittal, but we must wait for the document, the written sentence, ”he commented.

#Dont #cover #crime

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