Doubts about Nancy Faeser and Tarek Al-Wazir

by time news

2023-08-28 10:40:08

From federal to state: Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser wants to become Prime Minister of Hesse. Image: Michael Braunschädel

Many citizens who want to vote for the SPD or the Greens do not want the parties at the head of the future state government. This is revealed by a survey commissioned by the FAZ. When researching the causes, you come across the top candidates.

You want to see the party you vote for at the head of government. That’s the theory. But pollsters know that reality can be different. That is why the research group elections commissioned by the FAZ and Radio FFH routinely asked the following question in a survey last week. “What would you like most after the state elections: a state government led by the CDU, the Greens or the SPD?”

The response from Union supporters is about as expected. 94 percent want the party in the State Chancellery. The missing six percent are not very important. The small size can be neglected, especially since the result of the survey can deviate from the actual mood by three percentage points.

#Doubts #Nancy #Faeser #Tarek #AlWazir

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