Down with the blockade! again at the UN

by time news

2023-11-01 14:00:00

Cuban diplomacy will present the resolution for the thirty-first time Need to end the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States of America against Cuba, at the United Nations General Assembly.

As usual, a report will report on the damage caused by this policy to the country, on this occasion between March 1, 2022 and February 28, 2023, a period characterized by its continuity and worsening. According to estimates, the damages caused to the nation in the stage amount to 4,867 million dollars.

The figure reflects the impact on Cuban exports, mainly in tourism, the persecution of banking-financial operations, the costs of geographical relocation of trade, the effects on production and services to the population, and the impediments to accessing advanced technology.

There are other effects that are not quantifiable in numbers, but are as inhumane as the denial of access to medicines, supplies and medical equipment, which puts the quality of life and even the survival of Cuban patients, including children, at risk.

More than 80% of our people have lived in a blockaded country, since that has been the essential element of US policy towards Cuba for more than six decades. As we suffered it, it constitutes a violation of our human rights and an act of genocide according to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide of 1948.

For 30 years, the northern power has turned a deaf ear to the majority demand of nations to end the blockade of the Greater Antilles, expressed in the vote to which said resolution is submitted each year at the UN. Since the first vote in 1992, marked by the abstention of 71 members, more countries voted in favor (59) than against (3).

Over the years, support for the Caribbean nation has become widely majority; Only the United States maintains support for its genocidal policy, and a few allies who alternate their position between servile attachment to Washington and abstentionism.

The condemnation of the blockade brings together the international community like few issues do. Every day there are more people, organizations and institutions in the world, including within the North American people, who denounce this inhumane and illegal policy. However, the Yankee government continues with the ostrich syndrome, wanting to ignore the majority.

Cuba, with the force of reason, will once again denounce such a despicable act of genocide against its children, and hopes, once again, for the majority support of the nations of the world.

The post Down with the blockade! again at the UN appeared first on Artemisa Diario.


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