Dr. Theerawat reveals re-infection the more severe Let’s try covid longer Even a full arm vaccine

by time news

Dr. Theerawat reveals information about re-infection more severe symptoms Let’s try covid longer. Even with a full-arm vaccine, Dr. Yong pointed out that vaccination is like training recruits to know the enemy. ready to fight disease reduce symptoms

Reporters reported that on July 16, 2022, Prof. Dr. Thirawat Hemajutha, head of the Center for Emerging Health Sciences Faculty of Medicine Chulalongkorn University Posting a message via Facebook, Thirawat Hemachutha, Thiravat Hemachudha said that the more repetitions, the heavier it was later.

even if the vaccine is full

Although last time it was Delta. The new time is omicron.

The impact is heavier, the shadows and the covids are long-lasting. Every time it is repeated including the risk of death from diseases such as heart, brain

as an analysis The number of retired soldiers was 257,427 infected once, with 38,926 with a second, third to four infection, compared with 5.4 million people who had never been infected.

According to Al-Aly, an epidemiologist at Washington University and chief of research and development at the VA St. Louis Health Care System.

The information is preprinted and published in Medscape’s Coronavirus Resource Center and is presented at several locations, including Medcram.

while Prof. Dr. Yong Phuworawan, head of the center specializes in virology. Clinic, Department of Pediatrics Faculty of Medicine Chulalongkorn University Posted a message via Facebook Yong Poovorawan on July 15, the past, mentioning vaccination and being infected. Why do you still need to be vaccinated, stating that it is well known that COVID-19 can be again and likewise After being vaccinated, you can become infected. vaccination or infection It will help prevent and reduce the severity of the disease.

Most vaccinations stimulate specific immunity to B and T cells. B-cell immunity produces antibodies to prevent the infection from attaching to the cells. and prevent infection The initial build-up is high enough to prevent infection. and will decrease with time meanwhile Viruses are genetically modified. This requires a higher level of immunity. therefore unable to prevent infection But once infected, the recovery of the disease, including reducing the severity, the T cell system will help manage to heal faster. And this system also has memory. to know the face of the virus It is added to support B cells to build immunity faster when there is a real infection.

Therefore, vaccination is like training recruits to recognize the enemy or the virus. Over time or in peacetime, it was released as a reserve. and when an enemy or virus enters trained soldiers Have you ever seen a face known enemy or virus? Ready to fight quickly No need to practice new tactics. and if practiced for a long time Another booster vaccination is required. to bring in the reserve soldiers to train again to become more proficient and the normal guard will be discharged and need to practice from time to time or occasionally boosted by vaccines Allow time for the enemy to have the expertise ready to fight immediately. reduce the symptoms of the disease

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