Duo di Nardò wins pastry making competitors for ‘particular children’ – Well being and Wellbeing

by times news cr

2024-05-22 15:41:24

The candy “It is not what it appears!!!” ready by Giuseppe Cordella and Sofia Risi of the “Moccia” complete institute in Nardò, in Salento, is the winner of the pastry making competitors reserved for particular kids “Vietato trampling on goals”, now in its third version and arranged by the Italian Federation of Pastry, Ice Cream and Chocolate store (Fipgc) in collaboration with the Ministry of Training and Anfass.

In second place was the “Santa Marta” lodge institute of Pesaro, due to the tandem composed of Mirabella Novacovici and Catalina Silivestru, with “It takes a flower”, then third had been the scholars of the Vieste lodge faculty, “Creamy goals” for Michela Lapomarda and Mariagiulia De Noia. The ceremony passed off on the ‘Federico II di Svevia’ Institute in Termoli and noticed the participation of scholars with disabilities, every supported by a tutor, from lodge institutes from totally different elements of Italy.

Two days through which ladies and boys put themselves to the check, creating an modern dessert with fundamental components from their native space.

2024-05-22 15:41:24

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