Duo of UEFA Champions League and Serie A at 3.50 #Fotaras14

by time news

#Fotaras14 is betting on goals today, with a duo that exceeds the treble.

Good evening to his world koubanezos.gr! Big matches tonight on the betting “menu” with matches from the UEFA Champions League to stand out, but also other major championships of European countries such as Serie A with postponed games. For our part, we will now analyze two games from Italy with Bologna welcoming Fiorentina as well as the big match between Lazio and Bayern Munich.

Predictions: Bologna – Fiorentina

So we start with the postponed match of the 21st matchday between Bologna and Fiorentina which starts at 20:00 at the Renato Dall’Ara stadium. The two teams are very close in points with a difference of only two points. As you can understand, the guests with a win enter the 5th place leading Europe. In summary, I expect a close tactical game with the score staying low. An ideal choice 2-3 goals in performance 2.00!

Lazio – Bayern Munich

Second choice for today’s big match in the city of Rome, with the Lazio to welcome her Bayern Munich in the framework of 16 UEFA Champions League. I believe that we will see a real battle from both teams with an emphasis on counterattacks and the opponent’s mistakes. Based on logic as well as the dynamics of the teams, Bayern is rightly considered the favorite, however for such games which are also doubles, I believe that the best option is to buy the goals and not the 1X2. That’s how it is both teams to score, who are currently “selling” it to 1.75, it’s worth betting on.


Performance Binary 3.5020:00

Bologna – Fiorentina

2-3 goals

2.00 22:00

Lazio – Bayern Munich


1.75 BET: 40 units 21+ | Competent Regulator EEEP | Risk of addiction & loss of property | Helpline KETHEA: 210 9237777 | Play Responsibly
* Terms and conditions apply

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