Ebola virus back in Congo: Serious action to control | Ebola virus disease – Democratic Republic of the Congo

by time news

Congo: The Ebola virus is spreading again in the African country of Congo. Following this, the Congolese government has been involved in preventive measures.

A man was diagnosed with the Ebola virus on April 5 in the Bandaka region of the Ecuadorian province of Congo. The Ebola victim died on April 21. This has been confirmed by the Congolese Ministry of Health. 267 people have been identified who were in contact with the victims of Ebola.

Medical examinations are conducted on them regularly. The Congolese government is also vaccinating people in affected areas.

How was Ebola discovered? – In 1976, Professor Jacques Mumbe was an epidemiologist in Yambuku, a small village on the banks of the Ebola River. Jacques was then called in to say that a nun had a strange illness. Jacques collected blood samples from his body. When the blood was tested, it was confirmed that it was the Ebola virus. The virus was given the nickname Ebola because it was found in a riverside village in Ebola.

It has been 40 years since the Ebola virus was discovered. About 15,000 people have died from the Ebola virus so far. Ebola can cause fever, vomiting, bleeding, and diarrhea. From 2013 to 2016, Ebola posed a serious threat to West Africa. It is noteworthy that about 11,000 people died during this period.

In the current context, the Ebola virus is being controlled by declaring the area a controlled area in the event of an Ebola outbreak, testing the people there for Ebola and treating the victims and vaccinating others.

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