Eboli, Covid in the clinic: innocent employee

by time news

2023-12-05 05:30:00

It was not Elisabetta Ianniello to infect the private clinic with the Covid. She wasn’t the one who “mixed” the virus a doctors, nurses and patients. And above all she wasn’t the one who caused the deaths in the private health center. Acquitted in criminal court, by gip Romaniello. Reinstated in the workplace, from giudice Barrella. The fired employee was the victim of unfounded accusations. The magistrates of the Salerno court support him. First of all, the criminal section. Then the labor magistrates. Unjust accusations, dismissal too. Defense from lawyers Giuseppe Giarletta and Gaetano Monti, Elizabeth had to wait three years for justice. Until last Friday you swallowed bitter pills and tons of insults.

The consequences

The neuro-psycho-motricist must be paid the back wages, with interest. Pension contributions and legal costs must be paid. And perhaps a public apology should be made. But this is a detail of style and good manners that magistrates cannot impose. «Justice has finally been done – exclaims Lucia, the sister by Elisabetta – in October 2020 they insulted and threatened us. My family was the victim of a media lynching Without precedents. From social media to the clinic, we’ve been told all kinds of things. But it was all false. They painted my sister as a plague spreader, an unscrupulous person who had jeopardized the health of her colleagues and patients. The deaths in that clinic are not on the conscience of my sister but of other people.”

#Eboli #Covid #clinic #innocent #employee

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