Edamame: what it is, nutritional properties and recipe

by time news

Edamame is characterized by being an abundant source of vegetable protein. It also contains fiber, vitamins and minerals. Discover its benefits.

Edamame: what it is, nutritional properties and recipe

Last update: March 13, 2023

Edamame is an immature soybean that has not yet been removed from its pod and can be eaten as is. Due to its nutritional composition, it is associated with various health benefits. In addition, it is easy to prepare and can be used as snack healthy. Do you want to know more about its properties?

As detailed in an article published in Frontiers in Plant Science , this food is widely cultivated and eaten in East Asia. However, its intake has become a trend in the United States and Europe due to the qualities attributed to it. In the following space we detail what it is for and how it is consumed.

Nutritional properties of edamame

Although edamame has been cultivated for over 2,000 years in Asia, its popularity is only recent. In countries of North America, Europe and Africa It has become known for representing a vegetable source of protein, isoflavones, vitamins and minerals.

According to information compiled by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), each 155-gram serving of edamame provides the following:

  • Calories: 188.
  • Fat: 8 grams.
  • Sodium: 9.4 milligrams.
  • Carbohydrates: 13.8 grams.
  • Fiber: 8 grams.
  • Sugars: 3.4 grams.
  • Protein: 18.4 grams.

Edamame is harvested when the soybean pods are full, but the beans are still green and at a high moisture level. It is its main difference with soybeans, whose harvest occurs when the pod and beans are completely dry.


It should be noted that edamame is a significant source of protein. A cup can provide around 18.4 grams. The most interesting? It is considered to be of high quality. According to a post on Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculturehas a well-balanced amino acid profile.

Therefore, it is considered one of the best sources of vegetable protein. It is ideal for improving the quality of vegan and vegetarian diets. It is estimated that one third of its total calories comes from this nutrient.


Edamame has carbohydrates inside, but almost all of them are of the complex type. It is possible to find 10 grams of these elements for every 100 grams of product.

Now, at the same time, it provides a high amount of fiber; therefore, there is a slower absorption of the few sugars that it concentrates and generates less impact at the pancreatic level.


From the point of view of lipids, it should be noted that most of the fatty acids in edamame are polyunsaturated. The truth is that it only contains 5 grams of fat for every 100 of the product, so it does not generate an excessive contribution. In addition, it does not have a high concentration of calories either.


In the micronutrients section It should be noted the content of iron, calcium, magnesium and vitamin C of food. In any case, it must be borne in mind that the large amount of fiber it provides can reduce the bioavailability of some of these elements.

Health benefits of edamame

Due to its particular nutritional composition —above all due to its abundant protein content— edamame is associated with several health benefits. In the following space we detail them.

Efficient intestinal transit

The health benefits of edamame are obvious, and they go beyond boosting the activity of the digestive system.

The fiber content of edamame is important to ensure optimal intestinal transit. This substance manages to increase the volume of the fecal bolus and helps to have more intense peristaltic contractions. Therefore, it is a good option to reduce the risk of constipation.

For now there are no studies that specifically prove that edamame helps to relieve constipation. Even so, because it is an abundant source of dietary fiber, it is a recommended food for patients with this problem.

Cardiovascular health

Edamame is one of the soy derivatives whose intake is linked to better cardiovascular health. In a meta-analysis shared by Journal of the American Heart Association it was determined that the intake of soybean and its derivatives collaborates in the reduction of bad cholesterol (LDL) and total cholesterol.

Meanwhile, through Complementary Therapies in Medicine Soy intake was reported to have a favorable effect on lowering blood pressure. Therefore, the intake of foods such as edamame is ideal to reduce the risks of cardiovascular diseases.

Increased bone density

Including soy protein in the diet can contribute to the prevention of bone diseases. In a study shared by Journal of Medicinal Food , the researchers determined that soy isoflavones help prevent loss of bone density which can lead to osteoporosis, especially in stages such as menopause.

So far, the effect of edamame on bone health has not been specifically analyzed. Despite this, its inclusion in the diet is considered beneficial for maintaining strong and healthy bones. In any case, other measures must be considered, such as optimal calcium intake and physical exercise.

Other possible health benefits of edamame

Although research on edamame remains limited, some clinical evidence suggests that it may provide other health benefits, including:

  • Decreased symptoms of menopause, especially hot flashes. This linked to its isoflavone content.
  • Antitumor potential. Medical studies show that the rate of breast and prostate cancer is lower in countries where consumption of soy and its derivatives is higher. The hypothesis is that isoflavones have chemopreventive effects. Even so, larger and more conclusive studies are needed.

How to prepare edamame?

From the comfort of home and with few ingredients you can prepare an exquisite and nutritious edamame dish.

Edamame can be found in format snack, like many other nuts. However, it is also possible that it is frozen, so it will require a previous cooking process. Therefore, we are going to teach you two simple recipes to make it.

Dressed edamame

to make this dish it is best to buy natural or frozen edamame. It will be necessary to submit it to a cooking process with water and salt for 5 minutes, starting a boil.

Once they are ready, they are arranged in a bowl and a dressing is prepared with soy sauce, the juice of half a lemon and some sesame seeds. It is poured on top and it can already be consumed.

Edamame rojo

In this case, the edamame is prepared with sweet paprika, in order to vary its color and the final result. You have to start by boiling the product in water for 4 or 5 minutes, until it softens slightly. All this in salt water.

Once they are ready, they are cooled in water and placed in a container, in which it will be mixed with sweet paprika and salt. In this way, it can be eaten as a snack or entree, as it is still crunchy.

Adverse effects of edamame

Like other varieties of legumes, edamame can cause flatulence and bloating after consumption. To avoid this, a longer cooking time is recommended. It is also convenient to reduce the portion ingested.

Introduce edamame in the usual diet

Edamame is a healthy food that It can be included in the context of a balanced diet. It has essential nutrients for the proper functioning of the body, such as protein, dietary fiber and fatty acids.

In addition, it is increasingly common to find it in supermarkets already prepared to consume as snack. Even so, its homemade preparation is very simple. It only requires a brief cooking process and a dressing that improves the final result in terms of flavor. Do you dare to try it?

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