Effective Onion Home Remedy for Cold Symptoms: Get Rid of Coughs and Runny Noses

by time news

2024-01-28 04:05:32

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    Are you feeling the first signs of a cold? Or are you already lying flat? Then you should know the following home remedy – you only need one onion.

    • You don’t always have to take medication straight away to combat normal cold symptoms such as coughs and runny noses.
    • Many home remedies relieve the symptoms and shorten the duration of the cold.
    • The onion can also be used as a medicinal plant.

    Coughs, headaches, runny nose and sneezing attacks are typical of a cold, which most people experience in the cold winter months. Two to five colds per year are considered normal for adults – anyone who is sick more often could be suffering from an immune deficiency and should have this checked by a doctor.

    If you have caught a cold, the symptoms usually improve significantly within three to seven days. After two weeks everything should be completely over. However, see a doctor if symptoms such as severe illness and fever begin suddenly. This indicates a real flu that needs to be monitored by a doctor.

    Home remedies for colds: There’s a tip you didn’t know yet

    Common home remedies like::

    • drink a lot (preferably tea or ginger broth*),
    • Chicken soup*,
    • much sleep,
    • Inhale to clear your airways,
    • balanced, vitamin-rich diet,
    • get some fresh air,
    • Gargle sage tea for a sore throat and
    • Cold baths.

    But there are even more tricks that can relieve cold symptoms and shorten the duration of a cold. This includes an onion in a sock! The onion has always been considered a medicinal plant that is used against various ailments such as insect bites, earaches or colds. The ingredients allicin and ajoene are said to stimulate the appetite and relieve coughs.

    also read: Seven home remedies for colds from chicken soup to ice cubes – that will help you overnight.

    Survey on the topic

    Foot wrap with fresh onion as an immune booster

    The essential oils of the onion can also be used externally, for example in the form of foot wraps. To do this, simply cut half an onion into slices, place them directly on the soles of your feet, secure them with warm socks and leave them on overnight. In this way, the essential oils are supposed to be absorbed into the body via the nerve endings in the foot and act like an immune treatment*.

    Sources: www.apotheken-umschau.de; www.aok-erleben.de

    Continue reading: Free in winter: How unhealthy is “flanking” really?


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    *merkur.de is part of the nationwide Ippen Digital editorial network.

    #Home #remedies #colds #Onion #sock #relieve #coughs

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