Egypt mustn’t stop assist from getting into Gaza

by times news cr

2024-05-22 20:03:01

Egypt held the Israeli facet accountable for obstructing the arrival of humanitarian assist into the Gaza Strip, following the Israeli military’s management of the Palestinian facet of the “Rafah” land crossing, two weeks in the past.

On Tuesday, Reuters quoted a senior American official as saying that Washington believes that Egypt mustn’t stop the entry of assist into the Gaza Strip.

This assertion comes amid fears that some meals provides shall be broken. Components of Gaza are dealing with the specter of famine after greater than seven months of warfare.

On Monday, Egyptian International Minister Sameh Shoukry mentioned that stopping the entry of assist by way of the Rafah crossing between Egypt and the Gaza Strip is linked to army operations that threaten humanitarian work within the area.

Shukri added in statements to reporters after assembly together with his Greek counterpart in Cairo that there’s “a theater of steady army operations that threaten humanitarian convoys and threaten humanitarian employees, and we definitely can not put their lives at risk.”

Shukri repeated his name for Israel to open different land crossings to ship assist. He mentioned, “There are 5 different crossings that should function at full capability to treatment the humanitarian scenario in Gaza and its deterioration.”

Motion has stopped on the Rafah crossing, situated on the Egyptian border with the Gaza Strip, 13 kilometers lengthy, since Israel intensified its army assault and took management of the crossing from the Gaza facet on Might 7.

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2024-05-22 20:03:01

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