Ehud Yaari explains: Why did Hamas not want to participate in Operation “Dawn”?

by time news

Ehud Yaarithe commentator on Arab affairs of ‘News 12’, was interviewed today (Tuesday) on the program of Ben Kasfit and Vinon Magal on 103FM, he addressed the reasons for the lack of response by the terrorist organization Hamas to the “Dawn” operation and explained why it happened.

A security official: “Hamas did not join the fighting – an encouraging sign in the issue of the captives in Gaza”

“If the enemy does not meet our conditions, the agreement will be canceled and we will resume fighting”

“Hamas wants to implement a reconstruction program that will give economic breakthrough to the Gaza Strip,” Yaari said at the beginning of the interview, “Immediately after the ceasefire, they called a press conference to talk about this and not about fighting or the jihad, and to complain that only Qatar and some Egypt are providing help Money. Sinwar’s agenda is clear – to take care of the civilian population and the dismantled economic infrastructure of the Gaza Strip. They will now take care of their own ways to make sure that the jihad does not take new initiatives of its own, public opinion in Gaza is definitely against the jihad.”

“Hamas has decided that it is taking a chapter from Nasrallah’s book,” he added, “Hezbollah has not fired or initiated a round with Israel for 16 years. Sinwar tells his men, knowingly, ‘What is allowed to Nasrallah with many times more missiles than Hamas, is also allowed to me.’ To take care of the population because Hamas is in danger, it is losing the street. Its popularity is something around 25-30 percent. The population is interested in other things. In Gaza there is great envy of the practitioners that Israel allows to work here.”

After that, Yaari explained, “In the security establishment, they explained to the political level with signs and examples that there is benefit in the reconstruction of Gaza. In my humble opinion, Qatar has limited the funds it transfers to Gaza, and for that I think it has won praise from our politicians. There is also a plan for Egyptian construction, which as usual is going slowly, the big problem is How do you start getting the gas off the coast of Gaza, and another problem – how do you mobilize the Emirates and the Saudis, despite their abhorrence towards Hamas, to enter into infrastructure projects and not direct aid to Hamas.”

Assisted in the preparation of the article: Michal Kadosh, Radio 103FM

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