Eitan returns to Italy after 84 days: the flight from Tel Aviv landed in Bergamo. Aunt Aya’s lawyers: “Now your privacy is protected”

by time news

He landed at 10 pm at the airport of Orio al Serio the Ryanair flight that brought Eitan, 6 years old, back to Italy sole survivor to the accident of the Mottarone cableway of May 23 on Lake Maggiore. The flight departed shortly after 7pm local time from the airport Ben Gurion from Tel Aviv. The aunt traveled with the child Aya Biran Nirko, his husband Or and their two daughters.

With a flight Tel Aviv-Bergamo Eitan thus returns to his new Italian home in the province of Pavia. Waiting for him will be the paternal grandparents, as a spokesperson for the Biran family explained, adding: “Later 84 days Since being illegally removed from his home, Eitan will now return to the routine of his life, all medical, therapeutic and educational settings, his neighborhood friends and school, the community he grew up in, and his beloved cat. Oliver “. Aunt Aya’s lawyers, lawyers, ahead of her arrival Grace Cesaro e Cristina Pagni, they launched a written appeal to the mass media to turn off the spotlight on each other. They invited us to “understand the need for protect privacy of the minor in compliance with the principles of the Treviso Charter as well as the deontological and professional rules “. “Eitan – reads the message – now needs serenity and tranquility, together with his family, to face a delicate recovery process”.

On this matter the Supreme Court of Tel Aviv tried to put a firm point: the judge Alex Stein, confirming the two decisions of the last weeks of first and second degree, has established that “The normal place of life” of the child “both in Italy where he spent almost all of his life” and what he is which happened in September was a kidnappingor towards which the International Convention ofJust provides for “zero tolerance” and requires “immediate restitution” to guardians. He also established that the child should return to Italy by 12 December. The judge therefore recognized, accepting the request of aunt Aya, the illegitimate abduction of the child by the maternal grandfather. Which is the recipient of an international arrest warrant for the allegations of kidnapping, abduction and detention of a minor abroad and misappropriation of the grandchild’s passport. Arrested at Cipro, and released on bail, on alleged accomplice of Peleg, the “soldier” of the US contractor agency Blackwater, Gabriel Alon Abutbul, also Israeli and against whom extradition proceedings are underway.

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