Elections 2022, the psychiatrist: “emotional detachment from politics, risk of abstention”

by time news

“Indifference, apathy, emotional detachment, ‘anesthesia’, loss of motivation. We can use many words to describe the distance, in terms of emotions, that Italians seem to have at this moment with respect to a politics that is experienced as a form of entertainment by an upper middle class and as totally alien to other segments of the population “. A phenomenon that carries with it “a high risk of abstention in the next elections but also, and more worryingly, of disaffection for democracy which fails to give real answers”. Claudio Mencacci, psychiatrist, co-president of the Italian Society of Neuropsychopharmacology, describes to time.news Salute the relationship, on a psychological level, between citizens and the electoral campaign.

“Among the reasons for this indifference – continues Mencacci – there is also the fact that no one felt the need to return to a worsening of political conflict at a time like this, with the perception that personal advantages have returned to being privileged over common advantages. With Covid, in fact, there was the social illusion that the experience had made us all more responsible. And with Draghi, that there was a helmsman, supported by all parties, in a difficult phase. then, from one moment to the next, we found ourselves in a crisis that was difficult to understand in terms of responsibility “. (continues)

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