Electricity: a 25 MWp solar power plant under construction in Pobè

by time news

2023-10-03 16:01:26

Work to extend the Iloulofin power plant began on Friday September 29, 2023. Once completed, the infrastructure will increase Benin’s electricity production capacity and thus reduce the country’s dependence on from the outside.

29 million euros or approximately 19 billion CFA francs. It is the overall amount to be invested in this project that is close to the heart of the Beninese government. After the commissioning on July 19, 2022, of its first large 25 megawatt solar power plant, Benin is launching construction work on a second solar power plant on the Iloulofin site. The realization of this project is the result of cooperation between the government of Benin and that of Japan.

The energy mix to reduce the country’s dependence on electricity

The energy mix is ​​an option made by the Beninese authorities to resolve the country’s energy deficit. Benin now intends to rely on its own production and thus reduce its dependence on the outside world.

“The construction of this infrastructure will make it possible to satisfy energy demand and decarbonize the electricity production activity”, suggested Eméric Tokoudagba, director of the Benin Electricity Production Company (Sbpe) during the launch of the work. The construction of this solar power plant is also a big step towards solving the many electricity problems facing the country.

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“The commissioning of this solar power plant will be beneficial for the population who will now have access to a stable source of electricity, less expensive than the current production of thermal energy and less dependent on imports”declared Ichijo Motonobu, charge d’affaires of the Japanese embassy in Benin.

For Edouard Dahome, Secretary of State for Energy, access to electricity for all segments of the population constitutes a major concern for the government which has made the sector an absolute priority in its action program.

75 Megawatts in Pobè

At the end of the work, the Iloulofin power plants will provide 50 Megawatts which will be injected into the interconnected national network. A final plant will be launched in the coming days to increase solar energy production at the Iloulofin site to 75 megawatts.

Read also: Solar energy: construction agreements for 4 power plants signed

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