Electricity bills: Plunge in February prices – What the companies announced about green and yellow tariffs

by time news

With lower prices since January, the news appeared late yesterday, Thursday, February 1st, in the evening green invoices electricity of supply companies for the month of February.

The lower prices in the wholesale market in January – the price fell in January to €93/MWh from €102/MWh in December a de-escalation of 8.8% – but and competition from the companies, drove the current month’s prices even lower than January with a weighted average price close to 12 cents per kilowatt hour and a range of 11.7 cents/kilowatt hour to 14 cents per kilowatt hour. Accordingly, the finals are expected to “deflate”. electricity bills for consumers.

The price of PPC

The dominant market provider, the PPCannounced lower charges for the green tariff (G1/G1N Household) for February compared to January and indeed with a price that even falls below the “barrier” of 13 cents per kilowatt hourmuch lower than the average price of 2023 (15 to 16 cents per kilowatt hour) when there were government subsidies.

Specifically, the final price (with discount to remain at a brave 20% same as last January) for consumption up to 500 kilowatt hours per month is set at 12.8 euro cents per kilowatt hour (from 13.635 cents in January). For higher consumption the price is 13.76 cents (from 14.595) per kilowatt hour. The nightly tariff is offered at 10.32 cents (up from 11.155 in January).

Yellow invoice

The price also fell on the yellow tariff of PPC (MyHome4all) as it fell to 12.4 minutes per kilowatt hour, from 12.65 minutes per kilowatt hour in January for the first 500 kilowatt hours. Accordingly, for larger consumptions the price dropped to 16.88 cents per kilowatt hour from 17.13 euro cents per kilowatt hour.


THE Protergia gave slightly lower prices on the special green household electricity tariff (Home Value Special) of February, announcing final supply price at 14 cents/kWh with the consistency discount for February (from 14.26 cents per kilowatt hour in January) and 22 cents/kWh without the consistency discount (from 22.26 cents per kilowatt hour in January).

Yellow invoice

A considerably lower price was given by Protergia for its yellow invoice Value Simple household as the supply charge fell to 12.98 euro cents per kilowatt hour from 14.06 euro cents per kilowatt hour in January.


Its price also landed below 13 euro cents per kilowatt hour NRG for February with the company announcing a final price of 12.453 cents/kWh with a consistency discount, up from 14.1 cents/kWh in January. Without the consistency discount the price rises to 19.453 euro cents per kilowatt hour (up from 21.6 cents in January).


The green invoiceher HERON for February it is at 13.9 cents/kWh with the consistency discount, while without the consistency discount the price is 16% more expensive. As the company states, for the month of February 2024:

  • the discount refers to a consequence discount,
  • the numerical value of the consistency discount is set equal to 16% on the Basic Supply Charge and
  • the condition for granting the consequence discount is the timely payment of the previously issued Consumption Account, as well as the absence of overdue debts.

Yellow invoice

On the yellow floating tariff (GenerousHome) there is a 20% consistency discount and an additional 5% discount after 9 months on the plan.


THE Elpedison gave this month price according to consumption and announced a final supply price of 11 cents/kWh for the first 100 kilowatt hours (a discount of €0.03650 per kWh is provided) and 14.65 cents from the 101st kilowatt hour onwards, prices well below the 17.06 cents per kilowatt hour that was the its price for January regardless of consumption.

Natural gas – Volton – Elin – Volterra

THE Natural gas gave a price of 12.688 cents/kWh on the green tariff (from 0.14265 in January with a consistency discount) while its green tariff Volton was set at 12.48 min/kWh, with a consistency discount, from 14.42 min in January.

H ELIN for the month of February it gave a price of 11.79 cents/kilowatt hour, while its price Volterra for the green tariff it is in February 13.5 cents/kWh from 14.4 cents/kWh which was in January.

Without VAT

It is noted that the prices do not include VAT and regulated charges and are announced by the first day of each consumption month. All programs are also offered to K.O.T. beneficiaries.

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